Standing Desks vs. Sitting Desks


The Benefits of Standing at Work

A few years ago, health experts began to discover the benefits of using a standing desk at work. After all, the effects of a sedentary lifestyle include many conditions such as weight gain, spine problems, back pain, heart issues, and many more! If you have been thinking about trying to include some healthy habits and better ergonomics into your work day, consider a standing desk. Before you decide on whether or not a standing desk would make a good addition to your office furniture, there are some things you might want to know.

The Effects of Sitting at your Desk

Many people do not consider the effects that sitting all day can have on your body. The fact is that sitting all day is so bad that it can’t even be outdone by exercise. Evolutionary biologist and writer for the New York Times, Olivia Judson says:

“It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and an early death. In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.”

Because of these issues, a popular trend is standing desks. There are many benefits of standing while working. Along with increased muscle activity that goes along with standing, those who stand at work also move around more, which leads to:

  • burning more calories
  • lower levels of triglycerides and fats in the blood
  • better processing of glucose (high levels of glucose lead to diabetes and heart disease)
  • increased alertness and better moods

Many researchers claim that continual standing is actually more beneficial than regular exercise. Exercising has proven benefits, of course. But those who stand at work gain more benefits from the constant (though almost non-perceivable) increase in muscle activity that standing encourages. Simple, frequent movement may have longer term benefits than regular exercise.

Tips for Standing at Work

In order to maximize your comfort and ergonomics while standing at your desk, your monitor should be at eye level, and your desktop should be at the height of your hands when your elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle.

If you decide that you would benefit from a standing desk, there are some things to keep in mind in order for you to get the most out of your decision. First, don’t just immediately begin standing for 8 or 9 hours a day. In order for your back and leg muscles to adjust, it is best to gradually work up to a full day of standing.

Because you will most likely want the option of sitting, it might be best for you to invest in an adjustable desk. In order to allow the option of sitting, there are many desks available from quality office furniture manufacturers like Hon, Allsteel, and SurfaceWorks that adjust to a custom height either electrically or manually.



Still, another option is the Quickstand from Humanscale. This stand sits on your existing desk, and allows you to raise and adjust the height of your keyboard and monitor; allowing you to turn your desk into an ergonomic standing desk quickly and effortlessly.

The Best Sit-to-Stand Desks at Workspace Solutions

Whether you need an adjustable sit-to-stand desk, or just would like to add a standing option to your existing desk, Workspace Solutions in Fort Wayne can help you find any kind of desk you’d like. They are experts in space design and ergonomics and will help you to make sure that your office furniture is providing maximum comfort, boosting your productivity, and promoting your overall health.

5 Essentials for Your Office Space

5 office essentialsIs your Office Furniture working for you?

The furnishings and accessories in your office space can have an impact on your productivity, efficiency, and even your physical well-being. It’s important to understand the functions you require from these essentials — and to invest in items that are both designed to meet these functions and built to last. Here are some things to look for as you decide if your office furniture is helping — or hindering — your workplace productivity and happiness.

Is your Desk working for you?

There are endless amounts of options when it comes to office desk sizes, shapes and features. The style you would like (e.g. traditional, contemporary, solid wood, etc) along with your budget are important factors in making your choice. But equally, if not more important is to consider how you will be using the desk. Does it need to fit only a computer or will other types of work like drafting blueprints or sorting and organizing paperwork require more space? The height of the desk is also an important element when considering comfort and usability. Are there options that need to be included like drawers, hutches, shelves or extensions? Will the desk fit in the office space and allow room for other necessary furnishings?

How about your Seating?

An adjustable chair is best for use at the desk — allowing the user to change its features for maximum comfort. Adjustable features may include: height, tilt, back angle, seat angle, and lumbar support; along with options like arms, castors, and the variety of upholstery material. When choosing an office chair, it is important to keep in mind which features you will need in order to keep you working hard all day, while maximizing comfort.

Is your Storage Space Organized?

Even in our computer focused era, almost every office is still going to require some system for organizing and storing papers and files. Piles of unorganized paperwork can waste your time and increase your frustration level. Options for organization could range from large lateral filing cabinets to more simple desktop organizing trays. Don’t forget a wastebasket and recycling bin as key components of paper management.

Is your Workspace Ergonomic?

As desk height and an adjustable chair are important for workplace comfort, certain computer accessories can also increase productivity. Ergonomic options such as an adjustable keyboard drawer, a wrist rest in front of a desktop keyboard, or a riser to place the monitor at proper viewing level can all contribute to a more comfortable and efficient work area.

Does your Office have Proper Lighting?

Both comfortable ambient lighting and appropriate task lighting are essential to a comfortable office space. Poor lighting can lead to eyestrain, vision problems, and reduced work performance. Computer work can be particularly visually demanding under improper lighting situations. Overhead lighting should be low or glare free. Task lighting lamps should be adjustable, low-glare and located in a convenient position appropriate for your tasks.

Workspace Solutions has all the Office Essentials

At Workspace Solutions in Fort Wayne, we can help you select and prioritize your office furniture based on our years of experience helping a wide-range of businesses design and furnish their workspaces. We offer only products from manufacturers that we know offer the best quality and value. Let us help you design your office space for maximum efficiency, usability and comfort.

Is Your Office Desk Breaking Your Back?

desk causing back painYour Workspace Should be Pain-free

Many of us work at jobs that require spending a large part of the day in a sedentary position in a chair, in front of a computer. This actually places a lot of stress on our bodies and can even lead to the development of physical pain and ailments. OSHA (The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration) defines working environment ergonomics as: “The Science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population.” If your desk was set up without any consideration to ergonomics, it may be contributing to — or causing — a range of aches, pains, and even injury.

Dr. Richard Busch of Busch Chiropractic in Fort Wayne, who has treated thousands of patients who suffer with neck and back pain states, “Some of these injuries could have been avoided. Years, even months, of using poor quality office furniture, furniture that has not been set up properly for the user, or bad posture, may lead to early wear and tear, chronic back pain or neck pain including disc degeneration or herniated discs causing back pain and/or neck pain.”

Below are guidelines for workspace use that will reduce physical strain and increase comfort and productivity:

Proper Seating

  • maximize the options of an adjustable chair to find the best fit for you
  • keep a couple of inches between the front of the seat and the back of your knees
  • support your lower back with the chair’s lumbar support or add a small cushion
  • sit reclining slightly away from your desk — a stiff-backed posture is stressful for the spine
  • keep your feet flat on the floor, about hip-width apart, and don’t cross your legs
  • adjust the seat height so that knees are at a 90 degree angle — or lower — from the hips

Upper Body Relaxed

  • the alphabetical part of the keyboard should be centered in front of you
  • with hands on the keyboard, wrists should be in a neutral position or supported by a wrist rest
  • elbows should be at a 90 degree angle when hands are on the keyboard
  • keep the mouse as close to the keyboard as possible
  • use keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse — when using the mouse move it from your elbow rather than your wrist
  • consider an adjustable keyboard tray attached to your desk for proper wrist and arm positioning
  • keep shoulders relaxed when holding the phone — consider a headset if you are on the phone for long periods
  • don’t crane your neck towards your computer — its weight should be supported by the neck and spine

Limit Eye Strain

  • keep the monitor at arm’s length from your eyes; raise it so that the top of the screen is about eye-level
  • tilt your monitor 10-20 degrees away from you
  • avoid glare on the screen from windows or other light sources
  • give your eyes frequent breaks by looking at a far away objects for a few seconds
  • if you reference paperwork while typing, use an attachable holder to place documents as close to the screen as possible

Get up!

  • take frequent small stretching breaks for hands and fingers, legs and ankles, neck and shoulders — you can even do these while seated
  • throughout the day, take occasional longer breaks to move your whole body — stand, stretch, walk, and climb stairs

A note on laptops:

Laptop use at the office is on the rise. Unfortunately, the ergonomics in laptop design are poor — if the screen is at an appropriate height and distance, the keyboard is impossible to use, and vice versa. If you work at a laptop for a significant amount of time, add an external keyboard or monitor so that less stress is placed on your body and eyes. Keep in mind your office chair and desktop height, as described above, for the least stress possible.

Your workspace arrangement may be putting more stress on your body than you realize. The knowledgeable professionals at Workspace Solutions in Fort Wayne can help you identify the best office furniture and designs for a more ergonomic office space and improved work flow. Our goal is to help you work better — more efficiently and more comfortably.

Organizing the Mess on your Desk

organizing deskIt has been said that a messy desk is a sure sign of a creative mind.  While that may be true, a messy desk is also a sign of disorganization, chaos, and stress.  If you find yourself feeling frequently overwhelmed and stressed, the chances are that a good old-fashioned desk cleaning will get  you back on the path to serenity.  Here are a few tips you can use in order to get rid of the mess on your desk  so you can maximize your productivity, efficiency, and even your attitude.

Purge your Papers

If your desk is cluttered with papers, the first and most important step is to go through these papers and find a place for them.  It helps to organize the papers into three different groups; “Current,” “Archives,” and “Recycle.”  If it is an item or project that you are currently working on, file it in the “Current” folder.  If it is a document that you don’t need to have on hand, but still need to keep on record, file it under “Archives.”  And thirdly, if there are papers that you never need to look at again, go ahead and get rid of them!  You will probably be surprised at what you don’t even need anymore.

Many times in a day, I find myself grabbing a sticky note, and jotting down a quick note or phone number.  It never fails, that by the end of the day, my desk is littered with sticky notes.  Rather than your desk becoming an ocean of sticky notes, grab your phone and take a picture of any notes or phone numbers you might need, and then throw the hard copies away!  Chances are, when it comes time to need those notes, you are more likely to have your phone on you anyway.

Rank your Office Supplies in Order of Importance

On every cluttered desk sits an army of unused office supplies.  Your desk should have a certain “hierarchy of needs.” Keep track of which supplies you use most.  If there is an item you use most, keep it in closest proximity, on the side of your dominant hand.

Likewise, if there are any that you hardly ever use; toss those babies back in the supply closet, like it’s the Island of Misfit Toys.

Keep a Wastebasket Nearby

If you have to get up from your desk to throw something away, chances are you probably won’t throw things away as often.  Because of this, simply having a trashcan within arm’s reach can severely diminish mess.

Get Organized With Workspace Solutions

The best defense is a good offense!  And by that I mean, if you don’t have a place for every single item that comes across your desk in a day, those things tend to just stay right there on your desk.

Without a doubt, the most important factor in maintaining an organized workspace is having plenty of storage, and keeping it well organized.  If you lack storage space, give Workspace Solutions a call.  They have a wide variety of storage solutions including under the desk storage systems, lateral files, storage towers, bookcases, large filing cabinets, and more.

Workspace Solutions has been helping people around the Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, South Bend and Warsaw areas get organized for  years.  To find out what we can do for you, give us a call today at (260) 422-8529.  

What’s New in Office Furniture?

What’s new in office furniture?

As time goes on, new ideas in technology and trends continue to develop. The same goes for office furniture.  Quality office furniture manufacturers are always coming up with product lines better than the last in order to improve office planning, design, and productivity.  In order to stay ahead of the curve, here is a quick guide to some new products and lines that can be found at Workspace Solutions.

HON Basyx

At the forefront of American-made office furniture, HON creates quality office furniture that is guaranteed to last. Their contemporary designs and superior workmanship have made them one of the leading office furniture manufacturers in the United States.

New to the HON line of products is the Basyx Collection; a collection of office furniture ranging in items from office chairs to tables and desks.  The idea behind the Basyx collection was to bring the highest quality and most modern look available at the lowest price possible.  The highly reputable HON company has now made high quality office furniture available for those on a budget.  Not only is this the best deal around, but the Basxy collection is guaranteed to bring a sleek, modern look to any contemporary office.

Allsteel’s Gather Collection

When it comes to office furniture, Allsteel is leading the way in its revolutionary designs.  Based in Iowa, Allsteel produces quality, American made office furniture in a new, creative way.  Allsteel’s new product line, the Gather Collection, transcends all other styles of furniture.  Their unique philosophy on the importance of office atmosphere and collaboration is revealed in the Gather Collection.  This line highlights the importance of comfort, while also creating a highly productive work environment.

Product overview image
The unique design of the newScooch chair allows you to literally pull up a chair anywhere you might need it.  It is extremely lightweight and portable, and because of the unique design, there are multiple ways to sit in this chair, allowing for maximum comfort and versatility.

Product overview image

The ingenious design of the Rise seating area  takes group projects to a whole new level.  Literally- the three tiered structure of the Rise allows multiple people to sit and chat, without taking up a whole room.

ABCO’s Z-Series Tables

Another leading office furniture manufacturer, ABCO creates unique product designs that help give modern office spaces a more contemporary, sleek aesthetic.  New from ABCO is the Z-Series; a line of all new tables designed to bring life to any classroom or conference room setting.  The lightweight yet sturdy tables are built on wheels so you can easily take your meeting anywhere you need to be.

ABCO’s philosophy is that office furniture is the basis of productivity and creativity in an office.  If the furniture reflects creativity, employees are more likely to carry that creativity with them in their projects. This philosophy certainly comes through in the Z-Series.

Workspace Solutions Has it All

For these new lines of products, and many more, visit Workspace Solutions.  Not only have we been helping businesses around the Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Warsaw, and South Bend areas furnish their offices, but we also have great office planners and designers on hand to help you maximize creativity and productivity!

Whether you are looking to add a more modern appeal to your waiting room, or you just need to update your space with more modern office furniture, Workspace Solutions can help you bring your business into the 21st century.

Top Six Reasons to Work with Workspace Solutions

top 6 reasons to work with usTop Six Reasons to Work with Workspace Solutions

Workspace Solutions does so much more than just sell office furniture. Our team works hard every day solving the furniture, office design, and planning needs of a wide range of businesses, from large to small. Here are our top reasons why Workspace Solutions should be your one-stop shop for all your office furniture, and/or design needs:

1. We have a new location!

Located conveniently next to I-69 and US30 at 2200 Production Road in Fort Wayne, our new location will house our stunning new showrooms, our warehouse and all of our employees under one roof. A quick visit to our showroom can give you an idea of everything you may need in putting together your office.

2. We are a local, family-owned Office Furniture business.

When you do business with Workspace Solutions, you are supporting a local company that has been in the community for almost 30 years.

3. Office Furniture Installation

Another aspect that makes Workspace Solutions stand out is their installation process. Rather than the “dump and run” approach, Workspace Solutions has a team of highly qualified installation professionals that can deliver your office furniture right to your door, and even install it for you! We carry only top suppliers whose quality and range of options we know and trust — lines like: ABCO, Allsteel, and HON and can install everything you may need.

4. History

We have a strong history of meeting the office design and furniture needs of a wide range of clients here in the region and across the country. Our clients range from small to large, from locally based businesses to international corporations — with projects ranging from manufacturing to retail to traditional office spaces.

5. Knowledgeable Staff

Our professional interior designers are experts in the field. They all have years of experience, know our product lines and manufacturers inside and out, and love the challenge of bringing all the pieces together to make the perfect work space for each and every client.

6. Code of Honor

Last but certainly not least is Workspace Solutions’ “Code of Honor.” The Workspace Solutions Code of Honor is a code written by employees as a way to maximize communication, morale, and to best serve their customers. By supporting Workspace Solutions, you can be sure that you are supporting a highly trusted company that will go out of their way to put your needs first!

Whether you are looking to furnish a new space or redesign an existing one — lobby, waiting room, offices, conference rooms, or retail space — give Workspace Solutions a call today! It won’t be long until you find even more reasons to add to this list!

Feel Like the Walking Dead in the Morning?

Feel Like the Walking Dead in the Morning?

It's that time of year when the chill and dark mornings can really make you feel like a Zombie. Here are some suggestions on how to start your day off on a brighter note before heading in to the office:

8 Tips to Liven Up and Face the Work Day

  1. Water: drinking a cool glass of water on an empty stomach can wake up your metabolism and rehydrate you after a night's sleep.
  2. Fresh Air: take the dog, or just yourself, out for a quick walk; the air will clear your  head and moving all your muscles will energize you.
  3. Stretch: a few minutes of stretching exercises or simple yoga routines will get blood flowing through your whole body and work out any night time stiffness.
  4. Eat Well: an energizing breakfast is one based on healthy proteins, fruit and whole grains for energy; not empty carbohydrates and sugar to drain you.
  5. Drink Up: enjoy a hot beverage of your choice; caffeine in moderation is not a bad thing, just don't slow your system down by adding lots of sugar and processed ingredients.
  6. Music: instead of listening to depressing news reports, try some energizing music to put you in a good mood.
  7. Take a Tech Break: those work emails will still be waiting for you once you get to the office, right? Why not face them with a clear head and a positive attitude?
  8. Hug and Kiss the Ones you Love: kids, spouse, dog, cat, your car, whatever; just take a few seconds to appreciate the good things in your life.

And, stop in or call anytime to talk to the helpful team at Workspace Solutions. Workspace Solutions offers a variety of office furniture (new and used), and office design ideas guaranteed to keep that Walking Dead feeling out of your workplace — all day long!

Get the Most out of Your Reception Area

Get the Most out of Your Reception Area

Have you given much thought to your lobby, reception area, or waiting room lately? It’s an important part of a business that, unfortunately, often gets overlooked. The reception area might be the place where visitors form their very first impression of your business — whether they are clients, customers, vendors, or patients. It’s the perfect place for you to exhibit your business’ products, services, and values. What impressions is your reception area creating for your guests?

Set the Tone

A reception area should be practical, welcoming and informative. Even if it is not a space where visitors will spend much time, it is still the ideal space — you have a captive audience, after all — to promote your business and leave a lasting impression. You will certainly want to attractively display your logo. But it’s also an excellent place to highlight industry awards, press coverage, or photos or displays that otherwise showcase your brand.

Office Furniture

The office furniture, materials, and colors you choose can all supplement the message you want to convey. If you have a receptionist, the reception desk should be a welcoming centerpiece to the lobby. It’s important that this also be a practical space for your receptionist to greet visitors, take calls, and do other work. Depending on your visitors’ requirements, the reception space may also need to be a comfortable one that allows your guests to relax, hold quick meetings, or work on laptops. The furniture should be cohesive and complimentary. And the colors, finishes and lighting should all contribute positively to the first impression you wish to convey to your visitors.

The experienced professionals at Workspace Solutions will collaborate with you to understand your business, your clients’ needs, and your goals for the space. We can help you find the right reception desk, guest chairs and other furniture; as well as design the perfect office for your needs. We offer reception area furniture in a wide range of styles and price ranges.

Workspace Solutions has been meeting the space planning and furnishing needs of businesses in Fort Wayne, South Bend, Warsaw, Indianapolis and surrounding areas for over 30 years. Let us help put your business’ best face forward — call or come in to talk to our design professionals about creating the perfect reception or lobby space for you!


Press Release: Announcing New Fort Wayne Office Furniture Location

For Immediate Release:

Local Office Furniture Sales and Design Company Announces New Fort Wayne Location

Workspace Solutions moves to improve efficiency and better serve growing client base.

Workspace Solutions Office Furniture Store Fort Wayne

Brent Stoller & Mike Hunter in front of the new Workspace Solutions Office Furniture campus in Fort Wayne. New location opens mid-September 2014.

Workspace Solutions of Fort Wayne, IN announces its plans to relocate and consolidate from its current two Fort Wayne office furniture locations into one facility at 2200 Production Road. The former Vera Bradley Headquarters building will contain all of Workspace Solutions warehouse and showroom facilities now located at 919 Coliseum Boulevard North and at 256 W Main Street in Downtown Fort Wayne.

The family owned business, currently owned by Brent Stoller, president and Mike Hunter, vice president, began operations in 1978 at the current Coliseum Boulevard location as Eastland Sales, offering used office furniture and equipment. In 1996, the name was changed to Workspace Solutions to better reflect the store’s evolution to offering full service office planning and design, and to selling new product from the top manufacturers of office furniture, such as AllSteel, Hon, National and others.

“We’re excited to get all of our Fort Wayne staff back into one facility,” says Stoller. “We’ve loved being downtown since our purchase of Business Furniture Outlet in 2006, but the 2 locations have created certain communication and logistical challenges.”

Workspace Solutions is one of the few office furniture stores in our area to offer a public showroom for both their new and used office furniture. “We’ll continue that tradition in our new location,” says Stoller, “We’ll showcase our furniture in groupings where you can see how it all would fit together and look in your office, conference room, or lobby. And, all of that in a beautiful professional building that much better reflects the business we are today.”

Another important consideration for Workspace Solutions in this move will be quick access to I-69 & US30. According to Hunter, “We have crews on the road every day, and being closer to the interstate will allow us to become more efficient and to better serve our clients.” Workspace Solutions uses its own trained installation team and own fleet of delivery trucks. They have designed and installed offices as far away as New York City, Los Angeles, and even Hawaii, but their focus continues to be Northeast Indiana, including the Indianapolis, Warsaw, and South Bend areas where the company has satellite sales offices.

All 16 Fort Wayne area employees will move into the new facility, and no jobs will be eliminated according to Stoller. In fact, we already have plans to add more staff as our business has returned to pre-recession levels, and is growing past that to the next level.

“Our primary business plan has always been to exceed our customers’ expectations, and to fashion our business to best be situated to accomplish that. We needed a better, centralized location to do that, and that’s why we’re taking on this project,” Stoller said. “It’s a big project, but a major office move is the type of thing we often perform for our clients.”

Both the current Workspace Solutions locations will remain open until the move is accomplished, and all inventory is sold or moved. A giant “Moving Sale” is anticipated in each current facility. The move to the new facility is schedule for late September, 2014

About Workspace Solutions

Workspace Solutions is a Fort Wayne family-owned business providing office furniture sales and installation, as well as office layout & design with satellite sales offices in Indianapolis, Warsaw, and South Bend.

Brent Stoller

Mike Hunter

Workspace Solutions
(260) 422-9537



Simple ways to personalize your office space

Tips on Personalizing Your Desk & Office Space

happy office workerStudies show that people who personalize their workspace are more satisfied with their jobs. It’s rewarding to have some sense of control over your environment. Feeling comfortable and free to express yourself at work can lead to other positive repercussions as you get through your day.

Of course, it’s also important to find a balance between expressing yourself and maintaing a professional appearance. Here are some suggestions for how to make small changes to your workspace — ways to bring more balance between work and your personal life:

Show Who You Are

Photographs — whether personal snapshots, postcards, or posters (if you have the space) — are an easy way to show visitors to your space what’s important to you. A souvenir from a favorite trip or a piece of art, like pottery or a small sculpture, are nice additions and spark interaction with visitors to your space. Remember to choose personalizing items wisely, avoiding anything that might offend a coworker, a client or customer. And, be sure to leave enough space on your desk to work comfortably.

Make it More Comfortable

Since you’re unable to choose your office furniture, here are some ideas for tasteful additions to make your office space more comfortable:

  • lighting — a desktop table light or a floor lamp behind a chair to give off a warmer glow than fluorescent lighting
  • a small, quiet fan if your office is too warm
  • a lap throw if your office it too cold
  • a foot rest for under your desk
  • a back support cushion for your office chair
  • some nature: a small plant or two, fresh cut flowers, even an easy-care fish like a goldfish or a beta fish in a small bowl

Keep It Simple

Keep in mind that while personalizing your space is important, too much clutter may make it difficult for you to work or give the impression that you are disorganized. Start with a few small personal touches and see how you like the changes. If you want to add more things, consider removing an item or two to avoid cluttering up your space.

Fort Wayne Office Furniture & Design at Workspace Solutions

Visit Workspace Solutions in Fort Wayne to learn about the latest trends in office design and office furniture. We carry a wide range of products and services to help you personalize your workspace or make other improvements for more comfort and improved efficiency.