Feel Like the Walking Dead in the Morning?

Feel Like the Walking Dead in the Morning?

It's that time of year when the chill and dark mornings can really make you feel like a Zombie. Here are some suggestions on how to start your day off on a brighter note before heading in to the office:

8 Tips to Liven Up and Face the Work Day

  1. Water: drinking a cool glass of water on an empty stomach can wake up your metabolism and rehydrate you after a night's sleep.
  2. Fresh Air: take the dog, or just yourself, out for a quick walk; the air will clear your  head and moving all your muscles will energize you.
  3. Stretch: a few minutes of stretching exercises or simple yoga routines will get blood flowing through your whole body and work out any night time stiffness.
  4. Eat Well: an energizing breakfast is one based on healthy proteins, fruit and whole grains for energy; not empty carbohydrates and sugar to drain you.
  5. Drink Up: enjoy a hot beverage of your choice; caffeine in moderation is not a bad thing, just don't slow your system down by adding lots of sugar and processed ingredients.
  6. Music: instead of listening to depressing news reports, try some energizing music to put you in a good mood.
  7. Take a Tech Break: those work emails will still be waiting for you once you get to the office, right? Why not face them with a clear head and a positive attitude?
  8. Hug and Kiss the Ones you Love: kids, spouse, dog, cat, your car, whatever; just take a few seconds to appreciate the good things in your life.

And, stop in or call anytime to talk to the helpful team at Workspace Solutions. Workspace Solutions offers a variety of office furniture (new and used), and office design ideas guaranteed to keep that Walking Dead feeling out of your workplace — all day long!