11 Key Resolutions To Boost Office Productivity In 2020

boost office productivity

With the new year comes new resolutions both personally and professionally. Did you resolve to be more productive?

When it comes to productivity at the office in 2020, use the start of a new decade to make some serious changes for the better.

From your office environment to how you set your goals, you can boost office productivity just by making a few small changes.

If your office needs a little shakeup this year, consider these tips for ways to boost office productivity and make 2020 your company’s best year yet.

1. Set Goals That Are Attainable

With the new year, set some new goals for your company or team. Goals are one of the ways to boost productivity because they give your team a shared purpose and something to strive for.

Keep your goals attainable and you’ll have a much better success rate. Goals that aren’t achievable can hurt your office morale and decrease productivity.

Forbes gives some questions to ask yourself to help you set new 2020 goals.

2. Clearly Define Roles and Tasks

If everyone in your office is running in circles without a clear direction, use 2020 as a time to clearly define everyone’s roles and tasks.

Take a few minutes to go over goals, roles, and job responsibilities at the beginning of the year. This will help everyone stay on track and focused.

3. Optimize Your Work Space

If your workspace isn’t conducive to a modern work environment this can really hurt productivity. One of the best ways to boost office productivity is by re-working your office space.

New furniture, a new layout, and even small changes to your space can do wonders to increase communication and collaboration.

4. Make Feedback a Priority

In any successful office, people should feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback, Feedback is crucial to being the best we can be.

In the new year, create a welcoming space for feedback and you’ll see a big change in how your office communicates.

5. Encourage Collaboration

Teams need to collaborate in order to be successful. Make sure your office culture, as well as your office environment, invites open communication and collaboration among teammates and colleagues.

6. Maximize Meetings

Meetings often get a bad rap for being time sucks. Keep meeting productive, timely, and on track.

Use meetings as a time to collaborate and make the most out of them to keep them productive.

7. Think Outside the Office

To help boost productivity, make sure your technology in and out of the office encourages collaboration and work sharing.

8. Let Loose

Sometimes, in order to be more productive, you just need to let loose. In 2020, host events, happy hours, or off-site meetings to shake things up.

9. Encourage Wellness

Healthy employees are happier and more productive. Offer incentives for making health a priority or create spaces within your office to help promote wellness.

Teach employees how to be healthier too by bringing in a coach to help employees learn how to eat more plant-based meals.

10. Treat Yourself

Every once in a while if your office is in a rut, treat yourselves. Order in lunch, bring in breakfast, or just upgrade your coffee for a nice little pick me up.

11. Track Your Performance

At the end of the year or each quarter, check-in and see how you’re performing. Regular check-ins will help keep everyone on the same page.

Boost Office Productivity for a Better 2020

Make 2020 your most successful year yet. From setting goals to encouraging collaboration and wellness, making a few small changes this year can really boost office productivity. Even small changes to your office environment can do wonders for your team’s productivity.

If you are ready to make some great changes to your office space, fill out this contact form to work with a professional to help get your office off to a great start in the new decade.

What Kind of Office Plant Should I Buy?

If you want to add some color and some oxygen to your office then plants are probably better than investing in a can of paint and an oxygen tank. 

Many people believe you need a green thumb and gardening talent to keep a plant alive. They get overwhelmed with the various kinds of plants and their lack of desire to get a degree in botany so they go the plastic or fabric route. 

There are many benefits to having living plants in your office and we’ve come up with some ideas for the perfect plants to add color and fresh air to yours. Plus, keeping one on your desk can help you feel better physically and mentally. 

You don’t have to worry about your lack of knowledge because we’ve come up with some ideas for the perfect office plant to add some color and fresh air to your environment.

1. Jade Plant

Jade plants (also known as money plants) are an extremely popular succulent Crassula. These are versatile plants that work in a room with direct natural sunlight or in a windowless room that leaves it somewhat in the shadows.

They don’t require a lot of attention and as with most succulents, they are forgiving if you forget to water them.

And bonus, they are said to bring financial success. Who doesn’t want that kind of energy at work with them every day? It is an aesthetically pleasing and unassuming plant that will add rich colors to your office decor.

2. Peace Lily

Peace lilies (or SPATHIPHYLLUM) are larger plants that clean the air well. This is particularly helpful in an office where you are exposed to many chemicals from printers, lights, paper, rubber, adhesives and more. 

Large plants like peace lilies can help clear these chemicals from the air at a fast rate and help you breathe easier.

Peace lilies do require more attention than some plants and prefer the soil kept moist

3. Snake Plant

You may not like snakes but the snake plant or sansevieria cylindrica can add some color and class to your office space. This plant is durable and forgiving to an office environment. 

They prefer bright and filtered light sources but can grow well in a partly or completely shaded area. They don’t need natural light and can live through a drought so you don’t have to feel guilty if you forget to water it or the office closes for the holidays.

4. Spider Plants

Spider plants or chlorophytum comosum are another durable plant that will survive well in most environments and thrive with indirect bright light, which is often the case during the day in an office.

They can handle environmental temperature changes and do best when in a pot with moist well-drained soil.

5. Devil’s Ivy

This ivy can grow up to 6 to 8 feet in length when not tended to or pruned. They don’t require direct sunlight and can flourish with moist soil and bright artificial lights or indirect sunlight. 

They are also versatile in that they thrive in or outdoors and are hardy enough to endure office moves, changes in temperature and environment.

Breathe Easier with an Office Plant

No matter which office plant you choose is right for you they will help your office look better, feel more energized, and breathe easier.

For easy access to other office trend ideas and great options for office furniture be sure to bookmark our site.

Staying Trendy: The Top Office Design Trends of 2019

Did you know that only 11% of people are satisfied with their work environment? Most people spend 40 hours or more at the office and a dull and depressing environment can have damaging effects on their mood, productivity, and even their health.

On the other hand, a fun and exciting work environment can have the opposite effect, while benefiting you as the owner, as it can lead to an increase in productivity.

But how do you create the perfect atmosphere for yourself and your employees? What are some of the most popular office design trends in 2019? If you’re asking yourself these kinds of questions, wonder no longer, because we’re here to help!

In this article, we’ll be discussing a few of the most popular office design ideas that are out there. Read on!

Free-Range Spaces

Free-range spaces is a design trend that picked up steam over the past few years and doesn’t show any signs of losing popularity. Free-range spaces are open office layouts that encourage in-person interaction among employees. So instead of communicating via phone calls or e-mails, your team would work side-by-side to complete tasks.

This cooperative approach can increase camaraderie among your team, employee happiness levels, even overall production.

Experience-Driven Rooms

The office is no longer just a place to work on spreadsheets and have meetings. More businesses are starting to offer employees non-work related experiences via experience-driven rooms.

Obviously, you can’t set up a 50-foot rock wall, or even just a small gym, if you don’t have space for it. But a simple break room that has a couch and some games, or free drinks and snacks, could be just enough to help your employees briefly escape the daily grind.

Old Meets New

For years now offices have implemented old and rustic design elements, as well as new and sleek design elements, but never together. Recently that approach has changed. Designers are now starting to incorporate items from both worlds to create a whole new atmosphere.

For instance, maybe your office has exposed metal beams throughout. You can mix in an old, restored wooden desk into the equation and create a whole new style.

This is a great way to utilize old office furniture, which is often cheap to find and easy to restore.

Slim and Sleek

The simple, minimalist approach to office decor has been around for years now. Taking the slim and sleek approach always works and creates a fun and futuristic vibe that your employees are sure to love.

A benefit of going this route is that it opens up a lot of space, which in itself can help create a more relaxed and comforting vibe at the office.

Go Green

Incorporating a lot of plants into your office decor is a trend that is never going to go away. The health benefits to having plants in the office are plentiful, and they look nice, too, which is an added bonus.

If possible, natural light is another great design tool that can really help turn a workspace into something special. So if you have windows, don’t cover them up and don’t be afraid to open them (or even doors) on a nice day.

Office Design Ideas: What’s Next?

Now that you’re up to date on the latest office design trends of 2019, you’re all set!

The desired outcome is to create a workspace that both you and your employees enjoy being in, creating an environment in which everyone can thrive together.

Still not sure what to do with your workspace? Or maybe you have an idea, but you’re looking for some new or used furniture? Contact us today, we’ll be glad to assist you!

Ergonomy at Work: What It Is and How It Benefits Your Business

Bad posture can lead to lower back problems that cost thousands of dollars to treat. For an individual, that’s a lot of money. For a company, that’s a lot of health claims and productivity lost.

The good thing is, you can fix bad posture with a few simple things around the office to take advantage of ergonomy at work.

Ergonomics is the practice of workplace posture to increase health and productivity. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. And it can save your company money. Here are a few tips on how your company can create and ergonomic office setup that will get results.

What is Proper Posture?

Proper posture isn’t hard to achieve. Yes, it may take a little practice, but soon you’ll see employees sitting up straighter and feeling better at the end of the day.

Proper posture includes sitting with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Your thighs should be as close to horizontal as possible to the floor and your feet should be firm and flat. Also, your elbows should be close to 90 degrees as you type or write at a desk so that your arms are level with the desktop.

Now that you know what makes good posture, here are some ways to achieve great ergonomy at work.

Check Your Chairs

The first thing to consider when practicing ergonomy at work is your chairs. If your employees aren’t sitting in comfortable, productive positions, they can get fatigued.

Look for chairs with adjustable heights. This way, anyone can use any chair that’s available and stay comfortable. Chairs should also have armrests and good back support.

Above anything else, an ergonomic chair is a must for proper posture.

Check Your Computer Monitor

This may seem odd, but the angle you look at your computer monitor can have a big impact on your posture. If it’s not correct, you can experience fatigue in your back and neck. A monitor should be about 20 inches in front of you and tilted at a 10 to 20-degree angle away from horizontal. The top of the monitor should be at or just below eye level.

Use an Ergonomic Keyboard

There are “ergonomic” keyboards designed to help limit carpal tunnel and other repetitive-motion injuries and fatigue. These peripherals look a little different than your average keyboard, but they do wonders for productivity and comfort. Whether you use ergonomic devices or not, there are still rules to follow. Place the keyboard so your elbows are at your side rather than resting on the desk and it should be tilted away from you. This will keep your wrists from resting on the desk.

Ergonomy at Work is an Ongoing Process

Once you implement these major changes, you should see productivity increase and fatigue fade away. But there’s always more you can do. Keep looking for ways to improve your employee’s comfort and you will be rewarded!

To find out more about ergonomy at work and to see what you need to implement a plan, contact us at any time.

The Positive Effects Beautiful Office Environments Have on Employees

Did you know being happy at work can increase productivity by 12 percent? There are many tips and tricks designed to promote positive workplace cultures, including the office environments themselves.

A beautiful office environment has profound effects on your employees. It can influence everything from stress levels to their productivity. Here’s what you can expect with the best offices.

Office Environments Affect Performance and Motivation

We’ll start with the big one. A beautiful office environment can increase employee happiness, productivity, and even motivation. Take a quick look at your own office. Is it filled with beige and grays, or crowded with tiny cubicles? If everything appears dull and uniform, your employees probably think so too.

Bright colors can help them feel more energized. The most innovative offices use space in creative ways, stimulating employees’ minds. A beautiful office is more interesting and pleasing to look at. In turn, this can inspire employees. With more energy and inspiration, they’ll be ready to turn in great performances.

The Right Office Set Up Can Foster Collaboration

Some research suggests it’s important to have work friendships. Some people even think this could be the secret to employee happiness. The office environment impacts how employees interact with each other. If everyone feels cramped and crowded, they’re likely going to be a little testy. 

More offices are also looking at creating a collaborative working space. Instead of putting employees in cubicles, create a free-flowing layout so your employees can move and work together.

A Creative Office Environments Can Promote Health

You probably don’t think too much about how the work environment takes a toll on your employees’ health. Traditional office set-ups have been shown to increase stress. They also encourage sedentary behavior, which can increase health risks for your employees.

Creative office environments do more to promote health. A new layout can encourage your employees to get up and move. Stand-up desks and walking desks are two ideas that can promote better health. 

You should also check your lighting and computer equipment. Certain types of light can increase stress and fatigue. A simple switch could be the key to giving your employees more energy.

Foster Biophilia for Another Productivity Boost

Humans have a natural impulse to connect with nature. It’s called biophilia. Since we spend so much time indoors at work, though, we’re often deprived of it. Research has shown spending time in nature reduces stress and anxiety. It can also help boost your employees’ productivity even more.

Some creative offices are designing ways to integrate nature into the office. Even a simple action like adding a few plants can help beautify the office and decrease stress.

Is it Time to Beautify Your Office?

Many business owners and office managers think office aesthetics are niceties, not necessities. Research shows beautiful office environments are key to performance, health, and happiness.

It might be time to give your office a facelift. Discover more inspirational ideas on our blog and design a better working environment.

5 Tips for Great Waiting Room Design

Sitting for ages in a waiting room can help or hinder your impending appointment. If it’s something you are dreading, like a dentist or doctor, comfort is key. Anxiety can be running on high during that wait.

The waiting room design matters. Harsh lighting and hard chairs do not help put a guest at ease. Here are a few ways to really give your waiting room a boost.

Waiting Room Design Made Better

You provide a service and you want to provide the best service you can. That needs to start when your guests enter the office space, not your office.

1. Comfy Furniture

Sitting on a hard plastic chair is brutal. It’s difficult for ten minutes, double that and the results are ‘ouch’. Get softer chairs, seats or couches. Armrests, leg room, and a nice soft backrest take the pain out of waiting.

2. Visual Appeal

This includes soft or natural lighting. Pick a soft, calming color or combination of colors that will be soothing for guests. Hang art that is local, either bought or on display for a limited time.

Plants make a big difference. If you don’t have great light, use artificial plants, trees and add fresh cut flowers. Even paintings of nature will be calming. Photographs of your travels, your patients or the community are also nice.

3. Spacing

Keep seats away from the entrance and offices. You don’t want people getting jostled or knocked about. They also don’t need to be exposed to a cold blast of air every time the door opens.

Try to keep space between seating, if possible. If people are sick or blaring their phones, people need to get away. it’s uncomfortable to have people stacked up on top of each other, so try grouping seating so everyone isn’t facing each other.

4. Refreshments

No one expects you to set up a wet bar or ‘make your own omelet’, but providing water and coffee or tea is an inexpensive way to show you care. This can be done with a service or an urn you make yourself.

You could have a vending machine, with drinks and healthy snacks.

5. Activities

While the well-thumbed magazines are okay, you need activities for kids. Games, puzzles, and books work well. Try to avoid the noisier types of toys.

The parents want entertaining, as well. Have a few TVs mounted on the walls, provide channels suitable for kids and offer free wifi. A selection of reading material other than movie star mags is nice.

Another Ten Minutes

An uncomfortable waiting room is an uncomfortable guest. In many cases, they spend just as much, if not more time waiting. People get antsy when they are uncomfortable or don’t know where to look.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on waiting room design, but you don’t want the bare bones, either. Making your guests comfortable both physically and mentally is very important.

A happy guest will keep coming back. If you need some ideas or more information, please continue reading here.

5 Principles of an Ergonomic Office

Injuries caused by offices not optimized for ergonomics cost businesses $15-20 billion each year in worker’s compensation expenses. These kinds of injuries also lead to more time off from work than other workplace injuries.

If you want to avoid the costs and lost productivity associated with injuries caused by poor ergonomics, you’ll need to make sure you’ve provided your workers with a proper ergonomic office. Not sure how to do that? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Secrets of an Ergonomic Office

Here are 5 ways to make sure you have an ergonomically correct office.

1. Proper Chairs

For employees spending many hours at a desk, having a proper chair is key to preventing injuries related to poor ergonomics.

The most important thing is to make sure the chair is fully adjustable so it can adapt to the needs of workers. Because each worker has a different body type, you’ll want to make sure they can customize the seat height, backrest height, and armrest height and position.

2. Monitor Placement

To avoid eye and neck strain, monitors must be situated properly. Workers should not have to strain their neck or squint to see the monitor. This means employees should not have to turn their neck to see the monitor. If the worker must move their neck to view the monitor it can lead to neck muscle strains.

Monitors should be placed at the worker’s eye level and at a distance where the worker can clearly see the monitor without moving their neck forward or squinting.

3. Keyboard and Mouse Position

Having a properly placed keyboard and mouse is important to maintaining the proper body position when sitting at a desk. Employees should not have to reach for the mouse and must keep their elbows and wrists parallel while using the keyboard.

Having to reach for a keyboard or mouse can lead to fatigue and even injury after an extended period. For this reason, it is important you pay attention to the placement of keyboards and mice.

Because each employee is different, the exact position of these devices will vary. Having adjustable chairs and desks can help make sure the placement can meet the needs of each employee.

4. The Right Environment

When you think about ergonomics you probably don’t think about the overall office environment. But, factors such as lighting, room temperature, and humidity matter.

Lighting should not create a glare on monitor screens or be too low for reading printed materials. Office temperature and humidity should be comfortable for employees and not require them to wear bulky sweaters and clothing to keep warm.

5. Using Ergonomic Accessories

To make sure you have an ergonomic office, you’ll want to use ergonomic accessories that help customize the workspace for each employee. For example, footrests can help shorter employees keep their legs and knees in the proper position while at their desk. Having an adjustable document holder will allow employees that need to read printed documents from straining their necks.

Some workers may even prefer a balance ball chair for their workstation.

Making the Office Ergonomic

An ergonomic office will not only cut down on injuries and loss of productivity but is also an important factor in keeping employees happy.

When it comes to making your office ergonomically sound, we’re here to help you. From ergonomic workstations to accessories, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to find out how we can help you create an ergonomic office.

5 Benefits of an Open Office Design

At the end of 2016, there was more than 12.3 million square feet of occupied office space in the United States. Do you know how many cubicles you can fit into that much space? Luckily, the answer to that question doesn’t matter because open office design is a better choice.

While there is a need in certain office environments for partitions, halls, and walls, check out these five benefits of using an open layout, and you might change your mind!

1. Collaboration and Cross-Training

Working together toward a common goal — collaboration — is part of human nature. Instinct tells us that pooling and sharing resources can produce better outcomes than trying to go solo on a project. Employers can facilitate this natural need to connect and share by implementing an open office design.

Cross-training is critical to business sustainability. Open working spaces allow cross-training opportunities to arise organically during regular work.

2. Improved Relationship Building

Constructive, positive working relationships are better for business and morale. Open concept offices can foster natural bonds because it’s easier to chat about work and life. Plus, people can’t “hide” in offices when issues arise.

This benefit comes with a caveat. Strive for employee buy-in before tearing down walls and taking away private offices. There are many ways to keep employees happy and having strong dispute resolution practices for open environments is among them.

3. Reduced Cost

With an open office design, you save money on construction and maintenance. The savings come from more than not needing to build as many walls. Ventilation and electrical wiring are less complex to install and service. Routine office cleaning is faster.

Plus, furnishings such as whiteboards and filing cabinets in private offices are often underutilized. But when put in an open layout, fewer pieces can be used more often.

4. Flexibility

Nothing remains static in business for long. Products evolve, markets shift, people come and go. Open concept offices make it faster and easier for growing companies to accommodate new staff and reorganize teams.

Typical workstations are easy to dismantle and move. Rearranging work surfaces and project areas can take only a few hours. That not only helps contain labor cost, but it also reduces staff downtime.

Keep in mind that good open office design also includes conference rooms and small project meeting rooms. It’s a fact of life and business that some meetings and work sessions require privacy. This is another way to make workspaces flexible.

5. Flattened Hierarchy

Open work environments aren’t just for front-line staff. It’s common for managers and people higher up the chain of command to also work in shared space. It can require a shift in mindset for leaders as well as staff at first. But soon, leaders discover that issues are identified and resolved sooner than when they spend their time in an office. Stronger and more respectful bonds are other common byproducts of several layers of command sharing space.

Of course, leaders can’t fulfill all aspects of their role while in the middle of the action. This is another reason for including a few meeting rooms of different sizes in your office design.

Closing Thought About Open Office Design

Open office layouts tend to spark creativity. It’s easy to use lighting, color, and choice and placement of furnishings to add flair and efficiency.

At Workspace Solutions, we help customers plan and install innovate work environments. It’s core to our mission. We’re a locally-owned office furniture store and design center based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Our dedicated staff builds great relationships with customers across the region and from coast-to-coast.

Are you ready to explore how an open layout could benefit your business? Contact us today!

7 Design Solutions for Making Your Office Feel Bigger

design solutionsIs your tiny office space affecting your work flow?

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way!

By utilizing some super simple design solutions, your office space can go from feeling cramped and crowded to feeling spacious and comfortable in no time.

Here are seven easy design solutions to make your office feel bigger.

Let’s get started!

Paper Storage

Those piles of paper on your desk are taking up more space than you think!

Some files can be stored digitally. Just make sure that you educate yourself about the ins and outs of digital storage before you get started to ensure maximum privacy and protection for yourself and your clients.

For the documents that can’t be stored digitally or are too important to risk losing into cyberspace, organize them in a filing cabinet. The top can be used as a surface to decorate or provide even more storage opportunities.

Use Color

The color of the walls and floor can make a room look bigger or smaller depending on their shade and placement. Here’s how.

Dark colors on the walls will make any room feel smaller. Keep the walls of your office space light to make the room appear more open. Off-white, cream or yellow are great options for making your office feel more spacious.

The opposite goes for the floor. Darker colors for your office floor will make it appear larger. For a quick fix, try a dark-colored rug.

Hang Some Mirrors

Trick your brain into feeling like you’re in a bigger office than you are by using mirrors!

Hanging mirrors around the walls of your office will give it the appearance of extending much further than it actually does. The reflection of light will also brighten the space. This subtle addition to your office design can make a huge difference in how you feel while at work!

Get Rid of Wires

Mouse wires, phone wires, printer wires, computer wires… they could be taking up more space in your office than you realize.

These days, you can get a wireless version of virtually anything. Make your office wire-free to clear more space. Visual simplicity is the key to successful office design solutions.

Clean up Clutter

Minimalism is important when it comes to maximizing your tiny office space.

Getting rid of anything that you don’t absolutely need will make the space look much bigger- not to mention making your work life more organized as well!

Ditch the outdated magazines, unused furniture, and piles of paper to declutter your office.

Use Walls for Storage

Why stick with floor space when it comes to storing things at the office?

Get creative with wall shelving to make more room on your office floor and help with organization.

Change up Your Chair

Traditional office chairs can take up lots of space, and can also be detrimental to your health.

Ditch your current office chair and look into some different options. Save space and make a positive change for your health with this easy solution!

There You Have It

Use these simple design solutions and you’ll feel like you have a new, spacious office!

Remember to continually reduce any unneeded items to keep the space visually open and organized.

Office Design Concepts For the Modern Workplace

office design concepts

Millenials are changing and shaping the modern workplace as everyone seems to be making their office cool to attract them. It’s estimated that they will outnumber baby boomers in workplaces by the year 2020.

Tech firms are leading the pack in developing new office design concepts that are more appealing to millennials. More companies are using these concepts to help boost productivity and improve employee retention.

But, before you redesign your office to attract the millennial workforce, keep in mind that poor office design costs U.S. businesses about $330 billion each year due to reduced workplace productivity.

So, if you’re planning to revamp your office, here are a few design concepts to consider.

1. Wellness Space

More companies are finding ways to add wellness to work to ensure their employees are active and healthy. One of this ways is through the addition of standing desks to improve the optimum ratio of activity.

Some offices have kitchens that employees can use to cook and enjoy meals together. Yoga and meditation are also becoming the norm in many workplaces with employers offering spaces for these activities.

2. Collaborative Spaces

Traditionally, employees were restricted to one desk or office, and this affected productivity. With the new office design concepts, modern offices combine cubicle banks, private offices, and open floor plans to ensure workers enjoy improve accessibility.

There are communal areas for those who want a place to vent after hours of working and sound-proof rooms for employees that want to focus on solo work. The end result is a modern hybrid office that features different spaces to give employees the autonomy to move around easily.

Offices feature more glass and have places for impromptu and casual meetings to boost engagement and save time.

3. The Fun Factor

Offices are no longer places where you come to file papers, crunch numbers and pound the computer keyboard over and over. Now, employees have their fun areas to unwind and let loose.

Scotiabank in Canada offers a bowling alley for their employees while Burton, a snowboard giant, has a skate park behind their office. Some offices have pool tables, music rooms, karaoke lounges, Lego rooms, and indoor running tracks.

These activities allow workers to break free from the usual grind and re-energize for the day’s work.

4. Deliberate Furniture Designs

Here, tech companies are at it again, and Google is a great example when it comes to quirky and fun office furniture designs. Typically, the essence of these designs is to reduce the number of hours employees spend sitting.

These designs are achieved in varied ways. French designer Benoît Malta’s way is even quirkier. He believes that creating less comfortable chair designs will make people get up more often. If they remain seated, they’re forced to do it actively.

Another deliberate design is whereby furniture comes with a lamp that turns itself on or off depending on the time of the day, so you have to get up and reset it.

Office Design Concepts – The Takeaway

Creating a space that is appealing to employees is an important investment in securing your workforce. Millenials are fueling the push for creative and fun designs in the workplace, phasing out the traditional concepts that don’t boost productivity.

When done right, office design can be a powerful tool for branding and productivity. Employees spend most of their time in the office, so it’s wise to create something that’s functional, accessible, comfortable and inviting.

Do you need help redesigning your workplace? We’re here to help, so feel free to contact us.