7 Tips for Practical Ergonomics in the Workplace

ergonomics in the workplace

Slumping at your desk? Feeling constant back pain? Just feel like you’re not at your most productive at work? Believe it or not, ergonomics in the workplace can help. Here, we’re sharing our top 7 tips on how to boost your ergonomics at your desk.

1. Get Closer

Make sure that you’re not sitting too far away from your desk. Pro Tip: If your elbows aren’t at a 90-degree angle, it’s time to move your chair or shift your posture.

2. Get a Footstool

Buying a footstool will not only encourage better posture, it will also just make you feel more comfortable! Swinging your feet underneath your desk all day can lead to serious back issues.

Make sure that you take the pressure off your feet and your back by investing in a footstool!

3. Look into Cushioning

Especially if you’re already dealing with back pain and posture issues, your chair alone might not offer enough comfort. See if you can get a cushion to make things a little more comfortable. If your pain is really intense, look for an option that includes heat! In a pinch, place a small pillow behind your back.

4. How’s Your Screen?

If you have to crane your neck to look down or up at your computer screen, you’re going to have serious pain before you know it. Especially if you frequently work on your phone or tablet, you should also consider picking up a screen supporter or cushion. That way, your neck can be comfortable while you’re checking those emails.

A good test to see if your screen is at the right height? With your head balanced, look directly ahead. You should make eye contact with the center of your screen. If you don’t, place a book underneath it!

5. Lift Your Desk

Of course, sometimes adjusting the height of your desk might be the simplest and fastest solution! Especially if you’re on the taller side, it’s tempting to hunch. There are many options available to raise your desk including new sit-to-stand options.

6. Adjust Chair Height

Be sure that your chair isn’t too high – if it is, you could develop serious circulation issues! You’ll also have to deal with painful swollen ankles. To prevent this, make sure that your chair is between 2-3 feet from the ground and that your feet can easily rest on the floor.

7. Make Sure You Have the Right Furniture

Is your office doing everything it can to get you better ergonomics in the workplace? Furniture like a standing height desk can help with posture, encourage you to take breaks when you need them, and can give you a boost of energy.

Remember that too much sitting at your desk can lead to serious and long-term health issues! Look for furniture that supports you, cushions you, and helps you to be at your most productive.

Want to Learn More About Ergonomics in the Workplace?

When you’re ready to find the right furniture and create the right office environment to make your workday better in every way, we’re here to help.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can turn your office into an oasis!

Questions to Ask Before You Hire an Office Furniture Supplier

Corporate Furniture

You’ve been tasked with choosing office furniture that everyone in your business will like. No pressure, right? If you don’t make the right choices, it will be held against you. But if you do make the right choices, you’ll be a hero. Using the right furniture in your office makes a huge difference in terms of productivity and morale.

For instance, many in the professional world believe that boring furniture can, in fact, make people lazy. Instead, most companies that want their staff to be creative are opting for bright colors and interesting designs.

What type of furniture your company needs depends on how you do business and what you expect from your employees. It also sets the tone for clients and visitors straight off the bat.

Here are some questions to ask when you’re hiring an office furniture supplier for your company:

1. Do They Follow The Latest Trends?

Furniture has come a long way over the years and there’s a lot to keep up with. Standing desks, for example, did not exactly play a starring role back in the 80s in high rise city buildings. Plus, they offer lots of health and productivity benefits.

You can’t possibly be expected to know what’s popular on the market today, but the right furniture supplier will.

2. Who Recommends Them?

Do they have success stories to share? Ask them about existing and former clients who have had some of the same furniture needs. If they’ve outfitted companies that have a large portion of their staff sharing desks because they work remotely much of the time and your company is similar, ask how they adjusted to the need.

3. Are They Able To Incorporate Existing Furniture Into The Mix?

You may be keeping some of your existing office furniture and that’s not an uncommon situation. If you’re just focusing on replacing chairs, you should be able to show them the desks you’re currently using and get suggestions from them.

4. Do They Focus On Ergonomic Corporate Furniture?

Health and wellness are important to employees, especially to the big influx of millennials that are joining the workforce in droves. If the supplier understands that comfort is the priority and not just an afterthought, they’ll be on your page from the start. This is a major selling point for employees if you’re able to tell them that they’re getting furniture that is better for them!

5. Do They Sell New And Used Furniture?

Especially if you’re integrating new furniture in with your old furniture, having the option to buy used furniture is a big asset. There may be designs that you’re looking for that are no longer being produced that would go well with your space. Especially if your office space is dated, incorporating brand new furniture into the mix may not be the best option.

Are you ready to take your furniture game to the next level and work with a company to find solutions that will please the whole office?

Contact Workspace Solutions. We do more than sell corporate office furniture — we provide the whole package from office design, furniture sales, and installation!

5 Surprising Benefits of Using a Standing Height Desk

standing height desk

Are you tired of feeling burnt out, unproductive, and just plain uncomfortable at your desk all day? Have you tried everything, only to see no change in how you feel by the day’s end? Try the latest office trend – a standing-height desk!

There are many benefits of standing-height desks, here are 5 reasons you should have one in your office.

1. It Boosts Your Productivity

Let’s be honest. When you’re spending all day sitting at your computer, it can be easy to feel sluggish. Before you know it, you’ve spent your entire morning scrolling through your Instagram feed and Facebook account – and yet somehow, you still feel exhausted.

A standing desk can help to boost productivity because it ensures that you don’t get lethargic. Instead, your mind will be more clear, you’ll be less prone to distractions, and you’ll be able to take sitting breaks that refuel your mind instead of draining your energy.

2. It Prevents “Computer Hunch”

With the average American worker spending an average of 7 hours out of every work day at a computer, there has been a rise in “computer hunch.” This is the curve in your spine and poor posture that develops from spending your day slumped in a chair, with your shoulders tensed and your back arched.Over time, this can lead to serious medical issues, as it puts added, consistent pressure on your neck and spine.

A standing height desk prevents this, as you’ll be able to keep your back straight all day long, won’t have to hunch to see your screen, and can relax your shoulders.

3. It Keeps You Healthy

Believe it or not, a standing desk can also help to prevent serious health issues, like obesity and even type 2 diabetes.When you sit for a long time, your body doesn’t get enough insulin, and the fasting blood glucose levels in your body will dangerously rise.

More shockingly, another 7-year study showed that for every additional hour you spend sitting every day, your life expectancy decreases by 11%.

4. It Saves Office Space

This is a more practical benefit to getting a standing desk – having more room in your office! As companies are hiring more and more employees, office space becomes a little too close for comfort. Getting standing desks leaves employees plenty of room to walk around and work without feeling crammed into the office space.

5. You’ll Be Less Tired

We’ve all experienced that mid-day office slump that makes us feel as though we could hit the floor and nap at a moment’s notice. What if you could eliminate that, work through it, and have enough energy to go out after the workday ended?

A standing-height desk engages your entire body, so you won’t feel exhausted at the end of the day.

Ready To Get Your Own Standing Height Desk?

Thanks to this post, you now know just some of the benefits associated with a standing height desk. Whether you work from home or in an office, a standing desk will help you to get the most out of your workday.

Want to pick up your own? Visit our Fort Wayne office furniture showroom to try one out!

New Year’s Resolution for the Workplace

new year's resolution for work

New Year’s Resolutions: Making the Workplace Better for Everyone

Goal setting at work happens all year long: setting deadlines, sales targets, and giving the team milestones by which to mark their progress. Resolutions — and what better time than the New Year to make them! — are more qualitative than quantitative. Resolutions can help improve the workplace environment and employees’ attitudes which can lead to improvements in the bottom line!

Setting New Year’s resolutions at the workplace can bring the group together as they define their vision of what’s important for them at work. Once resolutions are agreed upon, decide on some steps to help get you all there together. The important thing is to be realistic, and choose resolutions that you can begin to take immediate steps toward.

Here are some popular workplace resolutions for 2017 to give you ideas of what may benefit your organization.

  • destress: encourage breaks from work — even brief “take a walk” or “do some stretches”; or set up some “yoga at your desk” workshops; or initiate monthly on-site pizza parties; anything to break up the routine and get people moving around
  • declutter: establish some official time for office and files cleanup; implement policies to cut down on printed paperwork; set up more recycling bins.
  • be positive: officially and regularly acknowledge good work or good attitudes; encourage each other to see the good in others and show appreciation; when compliments are passed on, encourage they be passed on to an employee’s supervisor as well

Other resolutions suggestions?

  • have healthier food options at work
  • communicate better
  • reward employees for exemplary work
  • help staff learn new skills

Ask your employees or your team to come up with a list of two or three — together!

The New Year is the perfect time to think about ways that each of us can help improve our work lives and workplace. You may be surprised at the big impact little changes can have for everyone!

Workplace Stress: Holiday Edition

ways to reduce workplace stress during the holidays

Stress at the workplace can occur all through the year, of course. But the holidays can really intensify any existing work-related stress — and create new stressful situations if we aren’t careful. The overall busyness, long work hours, over-spending, over-indulging of the holidays — not to mention dealing with traffic, end of year deadlines, and cranky customers — can wear anyone down. Add to that the rush to get work done before taking time off for the Holidays.

All hope for happy holidays at the workplace is not lost, however. Here are some simple suggestions to help lighten stress and improve moods around the office this time of year:

  • offer yoga sessions — many yoga instructors offer office-specific programs that don’t require mats or yoga clothes
  • bring in a massage therapist to give lunchtime neck and back massages
  • designate one day a week as a late start (or early closing) day; or allow other increased flexibility to staff’s schedule
  • institute a less-formal dress code, or even have a contest for tackiest Christmas sweater
  • reconsider deadlines, if possible, in light of the holidays
  • provide fruit trays or veggies and hummus in break rooms to give options besides the cookies and candies that will be swamping the office
  • encourage everyone to drink water (which keeps all of us healthier and cuts down on holiday weight gain) and donate to charity the money they would have spent on soda or coffees
  • show appreciation of how hard everyone is working – whether you are a boss, a colleague, or an employee — genuine compliments can be the best Christmas gift of all

A little fun, a little relaxation, a little kindness — all will help everyone at the office be happy, healthy, and enjoy the holidays (and work) a little bit more

Star Trek Office Supplies

Love Star Trek? Then you’ll love these Star Trek office supplies that will help you celebrate its 50th anniversary in style while dressing up your space… Check out some of our favorites that will take your office where no office has gone before!

star trek pens

What’s more logical in an office than pens? This Star Trek Floating Pen Set from ThinkGeek are perfect for jotting notes during less than thrilling office meetings and include the Star Trek 50th logo and comes in a 50th-anniversary tin.


star fleet academy certificate

What lame school’s did your co-worker’s graduate from? Harvard? Yale? Big deal! They’ll all be jealous when they see this Starfleet Academy Graduate certificate proudly hung in your office. This certificate, exclusive to ThinkGeek is even signed by Captain Hikaru Sulu, Commandant, Starfleet Academy!


captains log notebook

This Captain’s Log mini notebook with charts and inspirational quotes is perfect for jotting down important notes and observations.


star trek badge holder

Add some style to your uniform with this Star Trek insignia ID badge holder.


star trek led light

This USB powered Star Trek Enterprise LED light is the perfect addition to any desk. Press the button to illuminate the ship in either red, green, blue, yellow, purple, teal, or white. Beam me up, Scotty!


star trek paper clips

Keep all of your Starfleet Directives neat and tidy with these Star Trek Paper Clips featuring the NCC-1701 and the Delta Shield.

5 Tips for a Fun and Effective Workplace

creating a fun office environment

Employees who enjoy going to work undoubtedly have better morale, are more likely to stay longer at their jobs, and to really give it their all. A positive work environment — including making room for some fun — also goes a long way in attracting new talent. Of course, fun aside, work has to continue to get done in a productive manner. Here are some tips on how to create a fun and efficient office environment.

  1. Plan and allow time for fun
    Encourage small break times for employees to disconnect and refresh their minds allow a few minutes at team meetings for employees to get to know each other organize a recurring happy hour. Have an office-wide, family-friendly event: an outing to a ballgame or day at the zoo reward goals being met with department- or company-wide parties, like a Friday afternoon ice-cream social or a Monday morning donut spread.
  2. Have a space to “reboot” 
    Make the lounge space or coffee bar area more appealing with comfortable chairs and furniture that can easily be moved around and reconfigured. If you have outdoor access, set up chairs, tables, and umbrellas to encourage spending break time outside (fresh air does wonders for an overworked brain!)
  3. Allow workspaces to be personalized
    Encourage employees to decorate their space to make it their own. Help them be more comfortable in their workspace by offering ergonomically adjustable chairs, footrests, desks, add-on keyboard trays, task-specific light fixtures, a variety of filing systems, etc.
  4. Encourage interaction and collaboration
    Design (or redesign) the office layout to encourage movement and collaboration. Reconfigure team spaces to allow for better sharing of space and technology and encourage meetings in common office space.
  5. Support work/life balance
    Allow for flexible schedules or occasional telecommuting. Provide access to healthy snacks and encourage physical activity (maybe a FitBit “steps” contest?)

Happy and appreciated employees are more dedicated to their jobs and more encouraging to each other. Additionally, a cooperative and fun office environment has been proven to generate fresh ideas and encourage more creative thinking. If these ideas appeal to your goals for your workplace, visit our office furniture store in Fort Wayne or Warsaw. We also have office furniture specialists in Indianapolis. We are experts in office design, layout, and furnishings and offer the latest in products to support a more efficient (and fun!) work space.

How to Make the Most of Summer When You’re Stuck at Work

ways to make the most of summer

Can you believe it’s already August? The Summer has gone by so fast that we still haven’t done all of those Summer activities we planned to do back in May. Fortunately, we still have some great weeks ahead of us, and even though we’re stuck indoors at the office, we can still make the most of the last few weeks of Summer.

Bike to Work

One way to take advantage of this beautiful season is to bike to work. This is a great way to maximize your outdoor time, and get some great exercise in! This is especially easy if you work in Downtown Fort Wayne. Most of downtown is very bike-friendly. Bike lanes line most of the streets and a bike rack is never too far.

Take Breaks

Even if your job requires you to be tied to your desk most of the day, it’s not too hard to make an excuse to go outside. Be sure to take short breaks every couple of hours to get up and walk around. This will help you be more productive and avoid Dormant Butt Syndrome. Use this time to walk around the parking lot. Even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time, GET OUTSIDE!

Eat your Lunch Outside

Another great time to be outside is your lunch break! If you typically pack your lunch, take it outside! If your workplace doesn’t have outdoor seating, then drive to the nearest park and enjoy some quality outdoor time there! Bring a co-worker and enjoy a quick game of frisbee.

Or, eat outside at one of our local restaurants. Here is a guide to some of the best places to dine al fresco in Fort Wayne.

Being outside for even an hour a day can dramatically improve your overall attitude and well-being. Plus, it’s the best way to make sure you make the most out of your summer!

Open a Window

There’s nothing worse than being stuck inside your office on a beautiful day – especially if your desk is right next to a window. Staring out at the gorgeous, blue skies can be torture. Next time you’re stuck inside the office, open the window and let the warm weather in for a few minutes! Feeling the warmth on your skin and hearing the birds chirping is a surefire pick-me-up.

Work Outside

Have you ever heard the saying, “if you can’t beat them, join them?” Well, the best way to make the most out of your summer is by getting outside. If you can, bring your laptop and work outside! Go to a local park, coffee shop or restaurant and take advantage of their outdoor dining. (Most places even offer free WiFi!)

Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to enjoy your Summer and make the most out of summer while it lasts!

5 Ways to Maximize Office Productivity this Summer

boost office productivity in summer

Don’t Let the Nice Weather Ruin Your Workplace Performance

“Summertime and the living’s easy…” A little too easy I’d say. While the temperature outside is rising, productivity is declining. Did you know that workplace productivity drops by 20% during the summer? Furthermore, attendance is down 19%, and employees are 45% more distracted! This might not come as a surprise to some of you. I mean, are there any among us who wouldn’t rather be outside enjoying the nice weather rather than indoors working?

So, what can you do to help reduce the Summer productivity slump and make the most of Summer?

1. Switch up your Routine

Sometimes the summer productivity slump is just the result of too much structure. Switching up your routine, even a little bit, can improve your attitude and productivity. For example, get up a little earlier and go for a walk before work or ride your bike to work if possible. Get some outside time before heading in to the office.

2. Make up for lost time

One of the biggest productivity killers in the Summer is leaving early. As great as it is to get a jumpstart on your weekend, you also need to keep in mind that people are depending on you to do your job first. If you know you’re going to be leaving a little early, be sure to come in early or stay later the previous night.

It might not even be a bad idea to consider a four-day work week schedule during the Summer season. Working four ten-hour days with Fridays off can boost company morale more than anything!

3. Take a Vacation

You can’t do your work if you’re busy daydreaming about the beach. One of the best things to do for your productivity is to take a vacation. Whether you go anywhere or not, some time off will allow you to come back, refreshed, ready to dig in and do some work! Plus, in the weeks leading up to your vacation, you’ll be more willing to put in the extra effort now, knowing that you will be taking some time off.

A week or two before your planned vacation, make a list of everything you need to get done before you leave. This will keep you motivated to push through up to the very end!

4. Get Out


Take your breaks outside. Go for a walk, have a picnic lunch, sit outside at your favorite lunch spot. Enjoy the fresh air and reset before heading back into the office.

5. Take your Work Outside

If the beautiful weather is just too much temptation to handle, don’t be afraid to take your work outside! Got a meeting planned? Go outside and grab a picnic table. Allowing yourself some much-needed rays can do wonders for your productivity.

By following any of these five tips, you can be sure that your office productivity and morale is kept at an all time high this summer! From all of us at Workspace Solutions, we hope you have a great summer!

Caution: Your Job Could Be Harmful to Your Butt

dormant butt syndrome

By now you’ve heard of sitting disease, the ill-effects of an overly sedentary lifestyle. Now, there’s another condition affecting office workers and other sedentary people – Dormant Butt Syndrome. Yes, it is a real condition! No, we’re not making it up.

Despite the funny name, Dormant Butt Syndrome is a serious condition that could be the cause of your back pain, knee pain, or hip pain.

What is Dormant Butt Syndrome

Dormant Butt Syndrome (DBS) is a condition caused by sitting for extended periods of time. Most Americans have a job that includes sitting most of the day in an office chair. Add to that the time spent driving to and from work and even more time sitting to watch TV, play games, lounge, or read, and that’s almost a whole day of sitting on your butt. In total, the average American sits about 13 hours a day. It’s no wonder our butts now have their own condition.

Dr. Chris Kolba of Ohio State coined the phrase Dormant Butt Syndrome (also known as Dead Butt Syndrome). It’s the physical deterioration of the gluteal muscle due to sitting for prolonged periods of time. Remember the saying, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it?” Well, that’s what’s happening to our gluteal muscles. They’re deteriorating due to lack of use. And although that doesn’t sound like much of an issue, it can lead to some serious pain!

Fort Wayne Chiropractor, Dr. Richard Busch says, “Our clinic treats people every day who suffer from pain for one reason or another. An increasing number of our patients have sedentary lifestyles which are causing them a great amount of joint pain. Sitting for extended periods of time can cause the muscles in the butt to break down. If your gluteal muscles are weak, it can put additional strain on other joints resulting in knee pain, back pain, or hip pain.”

“In addition to joint pain, prolonged inactivity can also lead to a number of other chronic health conditions including diabetes and heart disease,” adds Dr. Davis, Chiropractor in The Villages® community.

How to Prevent Dormant Butt Syndrome

Most of us can’t just quit our jobs in lieu of a more active position. So what can you do to prevent DBS and other chronic health conditions while working? Simple, get off your butt!

  1. Get active. Take short breaks every hour to walk around and do a few exercises to strengthen your glutes such as lunges or squats. (You’ll not only help prevent Dormant Butt Syndrome, but your butt will look great in your favorite jeans!)
  2. Get up. Stand while talking on the phone or to your co-workers.
  3. Sit-to-Stand. Adjustable sit-to-stand desks are a great way to combat inactivity by letting you easily go from a seated position to a standing working position. There are even new seats that work great with standing-height desks to help take pressure off your joints.
  4. Get out. Instead of eating at your desk, go for a walk at lunch. The fresh air and exercise will do you some good too!

There you have it… 4 easy ways to help your butt, back, knees, and hips and to combat Dormant Butt Syndrome. Are you standing yet?