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Did you know that sitting for extended periods of time can actually kill you? Perhaps you’re aware of some of the risks of sitting throughout the day. Maybe you even get up and walk around a few times during the day. But, even if you spend hours being active, after sitting all day at the office, you’re still at risk. The risks are the same as if you didn’t move all day. Surprising, right?

Whether you work from home or in an office setting, it’s time to wake up and take your health seriously. Buying standing desks or focal upright chairs are excellent options to avoid these risks. And have become increasingly popular in office settings.

You may not be aware of how detrimental sitting can be for your health. Keep reading to learn the benefits of using a sit-to-stand desk at your office or home.

1. They Decrease Risks of Cancer

The American Cancer Society states excessive sitting can enhance your risks of cancer. This is only one of many studies that have concluded the same thing. This study concluded inactivity is linked to more than 173,000 cases of cancer. 49,000 cases of breast cancer and 43,000 cases of colon cancer each year in the US included.

According to another study, sitting can increase your risk of cancer by an alarming 66%. If every office invested in standing desks this number would decrease majorly. It could be a lifesaving move for you and your coworkers too.

2. They Boost Your Productivity

Who doesn’t want to be more productive during the day? Of course, we all do. But what happens when you’re plagued with distracting neck and back pain all day?

A study showed that worker’s performance was affected when they were in discomfort. In this study, only 38% were able to focus on their work. And 37% felt they weren’t doing their best work because of the discomfort they felt.

A sit-to-stand desk is a surefire way to be more productive during the day. This is why more offices are converting to standing desks — nobody wants an unmotivated employee!

3. Aids Back And Neck Issues

Chances are if you work a 9-5 sedentary job, you’ve felt a sore neck or back at some point. But do you realize the long-term toll it’s taking on your body? Most of us aren’t using correct posture while working, and tend to get ”computer hunch”.

Poor Posture Can Affect Your:

  • Your back
  • Neck
  • Shoulders

Fort Wayne Chiropractor, Dr. Richard Busch of Busch Chiropractic states, “You may assume that the pain you feel while sitting at work is a momentary discomfort that will pass, but what you don’t realize is that poor posture can affect you the rest of your life.”

4. Reduces Your Risks of Various Other Diseases

If it’s not scary enough that sitting can cause cancer and severe neck and back issues — the other diseases you’re at risk for should be downright terrifying.

Other Diseases And Conditions Linked to Sitting:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Obesity
  • Death

“As extreme as it may sound, sitting for hours each day can cause diseases like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and even death” states Dr. Busch. This can be avoided by investing in something like a sit-to-stand desk and being more active.

Final Thoughts on the Sit-to-Stand Desk

They’re saying ”sitting is the new smoking“. It’s become an epidemic that many people aren’t even aware of. Most Americans sit an average of 7 hours a day on a computer. That combined with the amount of time we sleep is a shocking quantity of time to be sedentary.

Standing desks are all the rage now, as well as other comfortable office chairs, that can make a tremendous difference to your health.

If you’re tired of slouching and having neck or back pain and ready to transition into something more suitable, come visit us or contact us today to view our sit-to-stand desk options.

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