office safety

office safety

How does your office prevent slips, trips, and falls? What about equipment and tool accidents? Every office has hazards; even if you have the best health and safety training around. The key is knowing how to predict problems and prevent them. Although workplace accidents happen far too often, 99 percent of them are preventable, you can keep your office safer by knowing how to prevent these accidents.

Keep reading for four office safety tips you need to know.

1. Check Your Electrical Cords

Office fires occur when devices aren’t turned off or cords aren’t maintained. You can prevent these hazards by checking on your electrical equipment regularly. Either you or your health and safety coordinator should inspect all cords. Many offices use extension cords when plugs are few and far between.

Extension cords can easily start a fire if they’re placed under carpets. Or, if they’re connected to too many different devices. Check that the outlets are working and not causing shocks. Don’t put too many plugs into extension cords. Unplug all electrical devices for when the office isn’t open, like on the weekends.

2. Declutter Space

Slips, trips, and falls occur when the office is messy. Clutter in the walkways, cubicles, and open spaces is a hazard. By having a disorganized office, you’re asking for accidents to happen. Make an effort to keep your office clean. Walkways need to be clear. Encourage your employees to put away boxes when they’re done with them.

It’s especially important not to let clutter pile up near fire exits. Evacuation routes need to be clear at all times.

3. Don’t Rush

The pressure to complete all the tasks you need done causes employees to rush. When they’re rushing, they aren’t paying attention to safety hazards around them. This is when they might trip over a box or slice their hand open with a letter-opener.

You need to create a calm yet productive atmosphere in the office. Work is important, but nothing’s more important than your employees’ safety.

4. Use Caution Signs

Your office should already have safety hazard signs ready for use. For example, caution signs for wet floors are common for office staff rooms. Drinks spill and make the floor slippery. Make sure your office has plenty of hazard signs for different situations.

If there’s a bookshelf that has boxes on the tallest shelf, employees must beware of falling objects. Open drawers of filing cabinets can cause trips. Place signs to remind employees of their safety, like “look up” and “please close drawers”.

Want More Office Safety Tips?

Accidents happen, especially in the workplace. But, the majority of them are preventable. It’s the employer’s job to make sure the office is safe from potential accidents. Follow the office safety tips above to accident-proof your office. Encourage your employees to take workplace safety seriously. Place their safety above productivity.

It’s also important to make sure your office’s layout can prevent accidents. Use comfortable and ergonomic furniture and keep walkways clear. If you follow these tips you’re bound to see a decrease in workplace accidents.

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