design solutions

design solutionsIs your tiny office space affecting your work flow?

Well, it doesn’t have to be that way!

By utilizing some super simple design solutions, your office space can go from feeling cramped and crowded to feeling spacious and comfortable in no time.

Here are seven easy design solutions to make your office feel bigger.

Let’s get started!

Paper Storage

Those piles of paper on your desk are taking up more space than you think!

Some files can be stored digitally. Just make sure that you educate yourself about the ins and outs of digital storage before you get started to ensure maximum privacy and protection for yourself and your clients.

For the documents that can’t be stored digitally or are too important to risk losing into cyberspace, organize them in a filing cabinet. The top can be used as a surface to decorate or provide even more storage opportunities.

Use Color

The color of the walls and floor can make a room look bigger or smaller depending on their shade and placement. Here’s how.

Dark colors on the walls will make any room feel smaller. Keep the walls of your office space light to make the room appear more open. Off-white, cream or yellow are great options for making your office feel more spacious.

The opposite goes for the floor. Darker colors for your office floor will make it appear larger. For a quick fix, try a dark-colored rug.

Hang Some Mirrors

Trick your brain into feeling like you’re in a bigger office than you are by using mirrors!

Hanging mirrors around the walls of your office will give it the appearance of extending much further than it actually does. The reflection of light will also brighten the space. This subtle addition to your office design can make a huge difference in how you feel while at work!

Get Rid of Wires

Mouse wires, phone wires, printer wires, computer wires… they could be taking up more space in your office than you realize.

These days, you can get a wireless version of virtually anything. Make your office wire-free to clear more space. Visual simplicity is the key to successful office design solutions.

Clean up Clutter

Minimalism is important when it comes to maximizing your tiny office space.

Getting rid of anything that you don’t absolutely need will make the space look much bigger- not to mention making your work life more organized as well!

Ditch the outdated magazines, unused furniture, and piles of paper to declutter your office.

Use Walls for Storage

Why stick with floor space when it comes to storing things at the office?

Get creative with wall shelving to make more room on your office floor and help with organization.

Change up Your Chair

Traditional office chairs can take up lots of space, and can also be detrimental to your health.

Ditch your current office chair and look into some different options. Save space and make a positive change for your health with this easy solution!

There You Have It

Use these simple design solutions and you’ll feel like you have a new, spacious office!

Remember to continually reduce any unneeded items to keep the space visually open and organized.

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