ways to reduce workplace stress during the holidays

Stress at the workplace can occur all through the year, of course. But the holidays can really intensify any existing work-related stress — and create new stressful situations if we aren’t careful. The overall busyness, long work hours, over-spending, over-indulging of the holidays — not to mention dealing with traffic, end of year deadlines, and cranky customers — can wear anyone down. Add to that the rush to get work done before taking time off for the Holidays.

All hope for happy holidays at the workplace is not lost, however. Here are some simple suggestions to help lighten stress and improve moods around the office this time of year:

  • offer yoga sessions — many yoga instructors offer office-specific programs that don’t require mats or yoga clothes
  • bring in a massage therapist to give lunchtime neck and back massages
  • designate one day a week as a late start (or early closing) day; or allow other increased flexibility to staff’s schedule
  • institute a less-formal dress code, or even have a contest for tackiest Christmas sweater
  • reconsider deadlines, if possible, in light of the holidays
  • provide fruit trays or veggies and hummus in break rooms to give options besides the cookies and candies that will be swamping the office
  • encourage everyone to drink water (which keeps all of us healthier and cuts down on holiday weight gain) and donate to charity the money they would have spent on soda or coffees
  • show appreciation of how hard everyone is working – whether you are a boss, a colleague, or an employee — genuine compliments can be the best Christmas gift of all

A little fun, a little relaxation, a little kindness — all will help everyone at the office be happy, healthy, and enjoy the holidays (and work) a little bit more

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