Working from home is becoming the new norm across America. There are 4.3 million people working from home at least half the time. As working remotely becomes widespread, it’s essential to know how to create a productive workspace.

Yes, working from home has its distractions. But there are ways you can avoid procrastination and stay focused during the workday.

We’ve listed five of the top work from home hacks guaranteed to boost your productivity. 

1. Don’t Work From Your Bedroom

Your bed may be the most comfortable spot in your home, but it’s not the most productive. The bedroom is meant to be relaxing. It’s a place for rest, so keep it that way.

If you continuously work from bed, your mind will associate your room with stress. If your brain thinks getting into bed equals working, you’ll find it more difficult to fall asleep.

Keep your bedroom as a sleep-inducing environment. Don’t bring computers, TVs, and other work materials into your room to keep a strong mental association between your bedroom and sleep.

2. Follow a Morning Routine

How you prepare for your day plays a significant role in productivity. Setting a morning ritual allows you to get into the right mindset for work. 

Do what you need to feel motivated and focused. Some tips for a work-from-home morning routine include:

  • Getting dressed (nothing fancy, but get out of your PJs!)
  • Brewing a morning cup of coffee
  • Eating a wholesome breakfast
  • Creating before work
  • Exercising or meditating before work

Maintaining a structured routine during the workweek can help you feel awake, alert, and productive.

3. Move Around

Don’t forget to get up during the workday. It’s easy to get absorbed in your work. But while you may feel like you’re being productive, overworking leads to burnout and errors.

Movement breaks improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Constant sitting raises your risk of depression, obesity, and heart disease. Breaks also prevent decision fatigue, which hinders a person’s ability to make choices and leads to procrastination. Small breaks during the day restore motivation, productivity, and creativity.

Set an alarm to stand or take walks during the day. Working from home means there are plenty of places to stroll around. Take a 10-minute walk around your yard, the neighborhood, or down the block.

4. Create a Productive Space

Working from home can be difficult because of all of the distractions. It’s fine to turn on Netflix during your lunch break, but keep the outside noise to a minimum during work hours. 

To keep yourself focused, create a productive workspace at home. Invest in an office desk. Make sure the area is well-lit and closed off from the rest of your home. Decluttering reduces your chance of getting distracted.

Make your home office more productive by decorating the area. Scented candles like rosemary, lemon, mint, and cinnamon improve focus. A few plants in your home office can increase productivity by 15%.

5. Always Log Off

Working from home does not mean working around the clock. Your work may be home with you, but you must continue to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Set an alarm to remind you when the workday is finished. It’s easy to get wrapped up in your work and continue through the night. But overworking leads to fatigue, errors, and lowered productivity.

Log off and stay away from your work until it’s time to begin again. Don’t get into a habit of answering emails or jumping onto your computer after-hours. Give your brain time to relax and reset so you can be productive the next day.

Discover More Work From Home Hacks

With more people working from home than ever before, it’s essential to know how to set yourself up for success. From knowing where to work to create a productive space, there are different ways to stay focused when working from your house.

Follow our blog for more productivity tips so you can be an efficient remote worker. 

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