office with no windows

We’ve heard of offices with sleep pods, ping pong tables, or even beer kegs on tap. It’s a dream to work in a place like that, but we’re not all so lucky.

While we’re working towards an awesome office for our employees, we have to make do with a regular office. There’s nothing wrong with that, but there is one big way you could be sabotaging your workforce and not even know it. If you have an office with no windows, you’re doing damage to yourself and your employees. Offices with natural light have tons of benefits, from improving employees’ blood pressure, communication, and more.

Once you hear about the benefits of natural light, you’re going to want to change things around. Keep reading to discover how natural life will improve your company.

Better Sleep

Natural light makes a big difference in people’s life. The simple answer is that it’s an important part of our biology. Almost all organisms have a circadian rhythm. This tells you when to wake up and when to go to sleep. Working in an office with no windows disrupts this natural sense of time.

With access to natural light, your employees’ natural rhythm works perfectly. Better sleep leads to more alert, productive employees.

Happier Employees

Studies have shown that your body’s production of vitamin D has positive effects on your mood. There are a few ways you can get vitamin D. Eating fish, mushrooms, and eggs are a few foods that help stimulate the production of vitamin D. However, the easiest way to stimulate vitamin D production is with sunshine. The natural light exposure from windows or natural lighting lamps will make your employees feel happy to be at work. That’s a big plus!

Increase Alertness

Your employees are sleeping better and they’re feeling happy. Naturally, their alertness will improve. Daylight helps your workers focus up. A bit of sunshine stimulates their creativity, too. Imagine it – no more endless coffee runs or misfired emails. Communication will improve, work will flow, and your company will run like a well-oiled machine.

Physical Benefits of Natural Light

You and your employees are well-rested, happy, and alert. Beyond those benefits, you’ll see a lot of positive physical changes, too. Employees with access to natural light have lower blood pressure. Their BMI numbers improve. With natural light, there’s a decrease in headaches and eye strain brought on by fluorescent lighting and computer screens.

What Can You Do If You Work In An Office With No Windows?

If you have to work in an office with no windows until you get your dream office, what can you do? Bring in some natural lighting lamps so that there’s some natural light in the office. Look for an office with similar rent and in a good location that has some windows.

If possible, treat your employees to a few healthy office indulgences. It can be anything from a standing desk to painting the walls a more uplifting color.

Want some ideas as to what you can do to improve your office? Talk to one of our designers today!

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