work outdoors

If you don’t live in a state where the sun is shining 90% of the time and the temperatures stay warm year-round (we’re looking at you, Indiana), spending time outside is precious.

Consider the 8 months out of the year where temperatures are frigid and that white stuff is falling from the sky, people look forward to spending some time in the sun and warm weather. However, being able to do this when you work an office job is difficult, to say the least, and two days off just doesn’t cut it.

Giving your employees a chance to rejuvenate and boost their energy by taking a quick walk or holding the weekly meeting outdoors can boost employee morale and energy.

If you haven’t considered the benefits of what working outdoors can do for your office, continue reading. We’ll show you why you should take your meetings and work outdoors.

Creative Boost

Taking a break from the confined walls and fluorescent lights of an office will boost creative thinking and problem-solving. Working outdoors gives employees some nature therapy which clears the mind and helps with de-stressing.

Improves Focus

The average person attends 62 meetings monthly at their work. While some people may take detailed notes, most will daydream or even fall asleep.

Working outdoors improves focus to help stay on task. This goes along with increasing creativity and problem-solving. Not only will you notice a change in your employee’s creativity, but you’ll also see a change in their engagement.

Open Communication

Taking a walk with your boss or employees opens makes them feel more comfortable than when sitting in an office with a desk separating them. This allows for more open communication where employees can discuss any issues or potential problems they are having on a project.

This goes hand-in-hand with a creative boost – brainstorming together while outside will give everyone a fresh perspective and help think outside the box.

Health Benefits

We know spending time outdoors helps us mentally, but it also helps us physically, and standing desks will only do so much inside an office.

Hosting a walking meeting for at least 30 minutes will boost energy, reduce the risks of heart disease, dementia, some cancers, stroke, and help lose weight. Sitting still for too long and staring at a screen all day isn’t good for your eyes and are known to cause headaches or migraines.

Taking the time to step away from the screen and get some fresh air will improve blood circulation and give your muscles a chance to stretch.

Why You Should Work Outdoors

If increasing employee engagement, open communication, and creativity aren’t enough to get you to enjoy some work outdoors, think about the health benefits alone.

Give your employees the chance to enjoy the beautiful weather outside of their days off. It will give everyone a breath of fresh air – literally – and improve focus around the office.

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