ways to get exercise at work

How to get more exercise at work and keep your New Year’s resolution.

2015 is here, and for many of us that means a chance to start over. This time of year, New Year Resolution’s are on many people’s minds. It’s time to give up some bad habits and pick up some great new habits. For many, a popular resolution is to get rid of a few extra pounds, eat better, and do a bit more exercising.

Working in an office environment can often make it easy to pick up some bad habits when it comes to your health and fitness. Keep your New Year’s resolution with these tips on how to incorporate some healthy habits into your work day.

1. Start with your Commute

Your morning commute to work can be a great way to add some extra workout into your day. If you live close enough, ride your bike! If you take the bus, get off a few blocks earlier, and walk the rest of the way.

If you drive, parking your car on the far end of the lot can be a great way to squeeze in some extra steps throughout the day.

2. Take the Stairs

Avoid uncomfortable elevator small talk, while getting some cardio! What’s not to love? Simply switching to the stairs can be a great way to add some exercise to your day. After you’ve mastered the stairs, try taking them two at a time!

Rather than taking short coffee breaks throughout the day, take some short breaks to get in some extra exercise. Climb up and down the stairs a couple of times, just for fun.

3. Bring healthy snacks to work

One disadvantage of working in a fast-paced office environment is that sometimes you’re not left with much time for lunch. It can be tempting to go with fast food – it’s quick, it’s cheap, it’s tasty. Rather than eating a fatty, calorie loaded lunch, bring a few small healthy snacks to eat throughout the day, along with your smaller, healthy lunch.

Digesting foods more frequently will help to speed up your metabolism. Rather than simply packing your lunch in the morning, pack enough food for the entire day. Bring an apple for a mid-morning snack, and some carrots for an afternoon snack.

4. Squeeze in some workout time

During any down time you might have, use this as a chance to squeeze in some quick workouts. Waiting for the copier to print off your 50 page report? Don’t just stand around waiting for it – use this time to do some squats. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart, and slowly lower your body, bending your legs so your knees make a 90 degree angle and your thighs are parallel to the ground.

You can even squeeze in some workouts while seated in your office chair! Next time you sort through your flood of morning emails, try slowly lifting your legs to an extended position. Hold that position for a few seconds, and then slowly bring your legs back down without letting them touch the ground. Repeat. This is a great, simple ab workout that can be done sitting down at your desk, while actually working!

5. Consider a standing desk

Of all of the things you do at work, sitting is by far the unhealthiest. Research has shown that typically, no amount of working out can undo the negative effects that sitting all day has on your body. Proponents of standing desks have a saying – “Sitting is the new smoking.”

“In order to combat the negative effects of sitting in a chair all day, a popular trend in office furniture is standing desks – desks built taller to force you to lose the chair!” says Brent Stoller of Workspace Solutions Office Furniture Store in Fort Wayne, IN. “Standing at work encourages frequent muscle movement and activity.”

adjustable standing desk

adjustable standing desk by  available at Workspace Solutions in Fort Wayne, Warsaw, South Bend, and Indianapolis

If you don’t want to commit to standing eight hours per day at work, Brent Stoller suggests Quickstand by Humanscale. The Quickstand clamps right to your existing desk and is easily adjustable allowing you the option of sitting or standing while at work.

For more information on whether or not a standing desk is for you, check out Standing vs Sitting Desks.

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