ways to make the most of summer

Can you believe it’s already August? The Summer has gone by so fast that we still haven’t done all of those Summer activities we planned to do back in May. Fortunately, we still have some great weeks ahead of us, and even though we’re stuck indoors at the office, we can still make the most of the last few weeks of Summer.

Bike to Work

One way to take advantage of this beautiful season is to bike to work. This is a great way to maximize your outdoor time, and get some great exercise in! This is especially easy if you work in Downtown Fort Wayne. Most of downtown is very bike-friendly. Bike lanes line most of the streets and a bike rack is never too far.

Take Breaks

Even if your job requires you to be tied to your desk most of the day, it’s not too hard to make an excuse to go outside. Be sure to take short breaks every couple of hours to get up and walk around. This will help you be more productive and avoid Dormant Butt Syndrome. Use this time to walk around the parking lot. Even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time, GET OUTSIDE!

Eat your Lunch Outside

Another great time to be outside is your lunch break! If you typically pack your lunch, take it outside! If your workplace doesn’t have outdoor seating, then drive to the nearest park and enjoy some quality outdoor time there! Bring a co-worker and enjoy a quick game of frisbee.

Or, eat outside at one of our local restaurants. Here is a guide to some of the best places to dine al fresco in Fort Wayne.

Being outside for even an hour a day can dramatically improve your overall attitude and well-being. Plus, it’s the best way to make sure you make the most out of your summer!

Open a Window

There’s nothing worse than being stuck inside your office on a beautiful day – especially if your desk is right next to a window. Staring out at the gorgeous, blue skies can be torture. Next time you’re stuck inside the office, open the window and let the warm weather in for a few minutes! Feeling the warmth on your skin and hearing the birds chirping is a surefire pick-me-up.

Work Outside

Have you ever heard the saying, “if you can’t beat them, join them?” Well, the best way to make the most out of your summer is by getting outside. If you can, bring your laptop and work outside! Go to a local park, coffee shop or restaurant and take advantage of their outdoor dining. (Most places even offer free WiFi!)

Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to enjoy your Summer and make the most out of summer while it lasts!

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