Many people got to experience what it was like to work remotely firsthand over the past year. Now that things are beginning to open back up, some employees would like to keep working in this manner. 

Working remotely does have its benefits. In fact, according to a new study, 80 percent of participants noted remote work helped them take better care of their mental health. With another 83 percent citing it decreases their level of stress. 

If you are working remotely, keep reading this guide and learn how you can stay motivated and productive while working from home. 

1. Establish a Work Space

Rule number one while working from home is to separate home from work. This means establishing a space or home office that’s specifically designed for you to work and that alone. The goal here is to eliminate all distractions.

Your workspace should be complete with the right equipment, such as a desk or workstation and office chair capable of being used all day. It’s important not to cheap out on this furniture as a proper chair and desk can make it easier for you to remain focused throughout the workday. 

2. Make a System

If you are having a hard time gathering the motivation to work while at home, try implementing a time management system that can increase productivity and keep you focused. 

One system that people have success with is called the Pomodoro Technique. The basics of the method are as follows:

  • Put all your focus on one task for 25 minutes straight
  • After the 25 minutes are up, take a 5-minute break
  • Repeat four times

The method is designed to help break your work down into simple, more manageable parts that you can accomplish more efficiently.

3. Use Tools & Resources

One of the best parts of working from home is the vast amount of free resources and tools available to help you stay focused on work. Here are a few of the most popular:

  • Note-taking – Evernote, Simplenote, Google Keep, Microsoft Onenote.
  • Block out distractions  – LeechBlock, Forest, Focus.
  • Time management – Trello, Todoist, RescueTime.

Using a few of these free resources can help save you time, increase efficiency, and get more work done throughout the day. 

4. Get Outside

Not only can getting outside and enjoying some fresh air improve your mood, but it can also increase your productivity.

A study from Harvard Business Review divided participants into two groups. The groups were asked to work on a repetitive assignment for five minutes and were then given a 40-second break. One group was asked to stare at a concrete roof. The other group also saw a roof but was covered in nature or green meadows.

When the participants were asked to continue working, the group that saw the concrete roof lost concentration by an average of 8 percent. The group that experienced nature saw their concentration levels rise by 6 percent.

The Best Way to Stay Motivated

When you’re working from home, it can be challenging to stay motivated with so many distractions and other things going on. Luckily, there are certain things you can do to increase your productivity and block out all those distractions that are holding you back from producing your best work. 

The best way to stay motivated is by setting yourself up for success with the right tools and equipment. If you are looking to boost your productivity, contact us today, and we can help design the correct setup for your home office.

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