collaborative workspace

Although he created the cubicle in the 1960s, Robert Propst regretted his invention by the end of his life. Large corporations were using it to pack as many employees in a room as possible, which was not his intention. 

Because of this misuse of design, many people have come to hate working in a cubicle-filled office. While cubicles are a great way to add privacy, using them incorrectly can decrease productivity and keep teams from working together.

Utilizing cubicles along with open areas can increase productivity and overall happiness in the workplace. 

If you’re looking around your office right now realizing it needs an update, this guide has you covered. Keep reading to learn how you can take your office design out of the cubicle box and to the next level. 

Collaborative Workspace Furniture

Having a few different furniture styles around the office provides employees separate spaces for different types of work. For a collaborative office space, set up booths, long tables with plenty of chairs, couches, huddle spaces, and informal meeting spaces.

When the furniture is already set up so employees can gather face-to-face, it encourages them to meet and brainstorm solutions to problems or other ideas about how to progress the company. 

The Colors of the Collaborative Workspace

While you may not think employees care about the color of the office walls, subconsciously, it affects their moods. White walls can hinder productivity, while blues have a calming effect, and natural tones promote efficiency.

Perhaps your brand’s colors align with the mood you want to establish within your office. Even if you only use them on accent walls, the pop of color will boost the overall mood in the office. This will encourage people to work with one another. 

Establish a Positive and Welcoming Ambience 

There are a couple of things you can do to ensure your employees enjoy spending their 44 weeks in your office. The first action you can take is playing upbeat music in the background. Researchers at Cornell University found that when happy, upbeat songs play in an office, it increases collaboration. 

Additionally, food is fuel. By providing a place for healthy snacks in a designated space in the office, your employees can keep their energy up and mood positive while spending time with one another.

A small cafe space can serve as a place for people to get to know one another, not just as colleagues, but as people. So they can develop stronger bonds that’ll make them better when working on professional projects. 

Ready to Take Your Office Into the Modern Age? 

Having a collaborative workspace promotes productivity and overall employee happiness. Why not invest in office furniture and spaces that create a healthy environment? 

For all your office needs, check out Workspace Solutions. We know how to create a collaborative workplace using our versatile products. Reach out to us today for assistance breaking out of the cubicle and transforming your space. 

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