More Americans are working from home each day. As technology advances, more workers can perform from the comforts of home. This is especially true as the coronavirus wreaks havoc worldwide.

In fact, over 8 million Americans are telecommuting. This accounts for over 5% of the U.S. workforce. This trend comes as no surprise given the many benefits of working remotely. Employees save time and money on their commute, while businesses can reduce overhead expenses.

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is staying focused. Read on for 7 helpful tips for working remotely. Explore pointers that will help you maximize productivity while teleworking.

1. Establish a Dedicated Workspace

Many people envision teleworkers on the couch with their laptop. This is an easy way to become distracted. Instead, you should establish a dedicated office space away from distractions. For some, this is a separate room that serves as an office. It has a traditional office desk with equipment like a printer and filing cabinet.

Some may not have the square footage for an office room. However, you can still clear a space that is strictly for your job.

2. Shut Out the Distractions

In order to stay focused, you need to eliminate any distractions. While it may not be possible to completely shut yourself away, especially if you have children at home, giving them a craft or something to focus on will allow you to get some work done. 

In addition, you should turn off the television. The TV is sure to catch your attention and distract you from work.

3. Silence Your Cell Phone

Your cell phone is another potential distraction. Many Americans use their cell phone during work hours to take personal calls or check social media.

This activity is an absolute impediment to productivity. You can resist the urge to use your cell phone by silencing or turning it off altogether.

4. Use Headphones

One important tip for focusing is putting on headphones. This way, you can block out noises from the outside world.

It may come as a surprise, but many Americans are productive while listening to music. Studies show that music can actually sharpen your focus during work.

5. Take a Workout Break

Sitting at your desk for an 8-hour day is physically and mentally draining. If your work schedule allows for it, try to fit in a workout in during your lunch break.

This is a great way to break up your day. You will return to work in the afternoon with fresh energy.

6. Get Dressed

Some envision teleworkers checking e-mail in their pajamas. However, this is a mistake in terms of focus and productivity.

Getting dressed in the morning gives you a sense of purpose. It removes any stigma of laziness and injects fresh energy into your day.

Tips for Working Remotely – A Recap

You can work more productively at home than in the office. You will not be distracted by chatty coworkers and save time on the commute.

Tips such as establishing a dedicated workspace and silencing your cell phone goes a long way. If you enjoyed this article about tips for working remotely, check out our blog for more great content.

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