keep focus

We get it. It can be hard to keep focus when there are presents to be unwrapped and food to be eaten.The holidays are a wonderful time. But they can also be downright distracting! If you’re with the vast majority of us, you’d much rather be hanging around your friends and families celebrating than be stuck in the office.

However, there’s work to be done and it’s essential to keep focus in order to keep your job.

Don’t Ignore the Holidays

Your first inclination might be to ignore the holidays completely in order to hone in your mental focus. This is a big mistake. The holidays are like an itch you refuse to scratch. The more you ignore them, the more they’ll demand your attention. The trick is to acknowledge the holidays, but not let them rule you.

Give in to being just a little bit festive. Get yourself something decorative for your workspace that reminds you that good times are right around the corner.

If you have a shared workspace, and your coworker is agreeable, you can work together with your partner to liven up your cubicle in a festive way. Make it something that you can both enjoy.

Outwardly acknowledging the holiday season helps take it out of your head and into the real world — leaving room in your brain to focus on work matters instead.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Don’t take on any new projects, if you can help it. In order to have time off for the holidays, you’ll need to accomplish all the tasks you already have set. To do this, you’ll need to become hyper-organized and prioritize each of your tasks according to their level of importance. Then, take them on, one step at a time.

Feel free to use holiday-themed paper for your To-Do Lists for added fun, and as a reminder what you’re working towards.

Keep Focus By Putting YOU First

Just because you have a few days off coming up is no reason to neglect your health. Drink plenty of water, don’t skip gym days, and remember to eat your breakfast. Your mother was right: it’s the most important meal of the day.

It’s all-too-easy to get sucked into the trap of eating holiday treats before the holidays have even begun. Offices almost always have those tempting little chocolate kisses in their red, gold, and green wrappers sitting around.

The truth is: eating well leads to thinking well. By staying away from sugary treats and sticking to healthy worktime snacks, your brain will function at a much higher level.

Keep Comfortable

Last but not least, you’ll focus better if you’re comfortable. Never underestimate the power of good office furniture. Having an ergonomic desk chair and a desk that’s suitable for your height are key to workplace comfort.

Not only will having appropriate furniture help you zero in on your work during the holiday season, it will keep you at the top of your game for all the months to come.

Check out our full line of Workplace Solutions new and used office furniture to find exactly what suits your needs.

Happy holidays!

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