shared workspace

shared workspace

Are you a business owner looking to make your office more millennial-friendly? Do you want to attract young talent to work for your company? If so, it’s important to consider what millennials want out of a workplace.

Millennials have surpassed baby boomers as the largest generation in the workforce. Meaning this generations preferences could keep your business thriving. Millennials are turning away from boxed off cubicles and offices in favor of a shared workspace, but why?

This article will break down why millennial professionals love collaborative workspaces.

1) Millennials are the Founders of the Sharing Economy

Young professionals are moving away from traditional office jobs and into the sharing economy. The “sharing economy” is the phenomenon where people share their transportation, housing, and, in this case, workspaces.

Millennials are now working together in a shared workspace called a “coworking business.” Coworking businesses are places where people with different backgrounds rent a desk out of one shared office.

53% of Americans do some sort of freelance work and a large portion of these Americans want an office to go into to complete their work. With coworking spaces, freelance writers, graphic designers, and other work at home professionals can have an office environment to keep them motivated and meeting people.

2) Millennials are Always Networking

One reason why millennials enjoy a shared workspace is that millennials are always networking – social networking that is. Facebook, Twitter, and blogs encourage people to share every detail about their lives. Because millennials are used to sharing on social media, sharing at work seems natural.

Millennials are social creatures who want to engage with others in real life, even if it’s just to share Instagram worthy moments. Sitting at home on their computer doesn’t give millennials much to talk about. But going into a physical office allows millennials to expand their networks both online and offline and meet new people to share experiences with.

Shared workspaces encourage openness and the exchanging of ideas far more than the traditional closed off cubicles.

3) Shared Workspaces Save Money for Amenities

Millennials love having fun amenities at work, and one way to achieve this is by saving money using shared workspaces. Instead of allotting every employee their own desk, cubicle, and computer, offices are starting to have general workspaces.

The money that was once used on formal workstations is now put into collaborative fun stations. Game rooms, craft beer on tap, and in-house yoga are some of the amenities that frequent millennial driven businesses.

These amenities are not fruitless. Incorporating fun into the office can improve profits and workplace morale.

If You Want to Attract Millennials Consider a Shared Workspace Environment

The trend of the sharing economy is not going away. Millennials want open and collaborative workspaces so they feel like they’re part of the community and can connect with their co-workers.

If you have any questions about this article or any of our products or services please contact us! Looking for ways to save money on buying trendy office furniture that millennials will love? Check out our guide here.

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