creating a fun office environment

Employees who enjoy going to work undoubtedly have better morale, are more likely to stay longer at their jobs, and to really give it their all. A positive work environment — including making room for some fun — also goes a long way in attracting new talent. Of course, fun aside, work has to continue to get done in a productive manner. Here are some tips on how to create a fun and efficient office environment.

  1. Plan and allow time for fun
    Encourage small break times for employees to disconnect and refresh their minds allow a few minutes at team meetings for employees to get to know each other organize a recurring happy hour. Have an office-wide, family-friendly event: an outing to a ballgame or day at the zoo reward goals being met with department- or company-wide parties, like a Friday afternoon ice-cream social or a Monday morning donut spread.
  2. Have a space to “reboot” 
    Make the lounge space or coffee bar area more appealing with comfortable chairs and furniture that can easily be moved around and reconfigured. If you have outdoor access, set up chairs, tables, and umbrellas to encourage spending break time outside (fresh air does wonders for an overworked brain!)
  3. Allow workspaces to be personalized
    Encourage employees to decorate their space to make it their own. Help them be more comfortable in their workspace by offering ergonomically adjustable chairs, footrests, desks, add-on keyboard trays, task-specific light fixtures, a variety of filing systems, etc.
  4. Encourage interaction and collaboration
    Design (or redesign) the office layout to encourage movement and collaboration. Reconfigure team spaces to allow for better sharing of space and technology and encourage meetings in common office space.
  5. Support work/life balance
    Allow for flexible schedules or occasional telecommuting. Provide access to healthy snacks and encourage physical activity (maybe a FitBit “steps” contest?)

Happy and appreciated employees are more dedicated to their jobs and more encouraging to each other. Additionally, a cooperative and fun office environment has been proven to generate fresh ideas and encourage more creative thinking. If these ideas appeal to your goals for your workplace, visit our office furniture store in Fort Wayne or Warsaw. We also have office furniture specialists in Indianapolis. We are experts in office design, layout, and furnishings and offer the latest in products to support a more efficient (and fun!) work space.

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