Need a change? While it’s a simpler task to select paint colors for your home based on your personal preferences, it’s a little harder to select colors that will work well for your office.

The right office paint colors can relax you, brighten up a space, or induce stress. It could affect your employees’ productivity.

So, what are the right office colors to create a calming workplace? Read on to learn about 5 calming colors that will improve workplace productivity.

1. Blue

Blue is one of the best colors for offices.

People unconsciously perceive the blue color as calming and relaxing. Painting your office spaces blue will make your employees feel calm and less anxious.

Furthermore, the color can soothe employees and reduce stress while encouraging them to be more productive. Blue is one of the most used workplace colors.

2. Green

Green is also perfect for any office environment. The color green provides needed balance.

Furthermore, green has proven to be the best color choice for office employees working long hours. It is indeed a top-priority color commonly found in medical offices.

3. Purple

Purple is often associated with luxury or magical connotations.

Creative industries such as design studios often use purple to encourage creativity and teamwork. While you may not want to paint your entire office in purple, it’s a great color for accent walls and decor to help boost productivity.

4. Brown

The color brown color feels powerful in office spaces. It blends well with wood office furniture colors and gives you a pleasant warmth. It is also similar to the blue color in that it is naturally soothing.

Applying brown in your office space will give your employees a sense of security, credibility, and reassurance. These senses can empower people to be more productive.

5. Orange

You may not think of the color orange as a calming color. But it can be both calming or energizing depending on how it’s used. 

The color is associated with warmth, power, and tolerance. However, because it is also an energizing color, use it sparingly and as a complement to another calming color to prevent increased energy and decreased productivity.

Get a Designer to Help You Choose the Best Office Colors Today

The choice of your office colors is not just for aesthetics. In fact, colors can affect workers’ moods and motivation. Colors can also help your employees to be more productive.

At Workspace Solutions, our designers can help you choose the best office colors for walls and furniture to create a calming, productive workplace that is tailored to reflect your brand.

Call us today to find out how we can assist you in finding the best solution for your space.

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