The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to change how we work going forward. Many offices are opting for hybrid spaces with employees working a mix of remote and in-office. With this new hybrid approach comes new and some not-so-new design trends for your office.

Office designs for 2022 are going to look different, and that’s a good thing. But, how different? What should you expect? 

Read on to learn about five office design trends for 2022!

1. Biophilic Designs

Biophilic designs were a hot trend for homes last year and this year we’re seeing it as one of the top design trends for the office. Biophilic designs add elements of the natural world to your office spaces. Wood, water, and plants bring a feel of the outdoors to your office and have several benefits.

One benefit includes improved air quality by adding plants to your office. These more natural spaces also help to reduce stress, boost creativity, and improve focus. All of these are important things in the workplace.

2. Flexible Work Space

A flexible working space is what employees will look for after more than a year of working from home. Letting employees work the way they’ve become accustomed to is the way forward, all without losing productivity that accompanies the transition back to the office.

Instead of dedicated desks and traditional office spaces, give employees flexible work areas for new ways of working. 

With more people working from home and video meetings taking the place of in-person meetings, spaces need to adapt.  Workspaces need to be able to go from collaboration spaces to private video spaces, as well as homey personal retreats. 

3. Neutral Colors

Neutral colors are a staple of office design, so expect more of them in office designs for 2022. Using beiges, tans, and off-whites to make an office feel more like home is vital for a successful office. Combine this with biophilic designs and go for wood tones to add some natural color to your office.

Keep the landscape around your office in mind when designing a color palette. Counter unending greys with neutral colors to keep the workplace lively. Color theory can help you motivate your employees.

4. Multi-Functional Spaces

More people are telecommuting since the pandemic began. Workspaces are adapting to this by changing what they use office space for. Using spaces that change into different setups saves space.

It also allows for more employees to be there at the same time. This way, remote workers have the option of coming in if they want. Meanwhile, your regular workers enjoy the benefits of the open space.

When needed, a multi-functional space can become a host for large meetings or parties. No cubicles to remove in this office, only space to put tables and comfortable office chairs. These spaces work well as flexible spaces.

5. Comfortable Offices

Offices around the world are making their offices look and feel more like home office spaces. Bringing the comfort of home to your office makes it easier when returning to work. Warm lights, plush carpeting, sofa-like seating will help your office look homier for your employees.

Adding comfort to work helps employee productivity. It also increases creativity, allowing your employees to better solve problems they have. Comfort is not something for your office to overlook.

Consider These Design Trends

Design trends for 2022 look less like a corporate hive and more like your employee’s home offices. You’ll see more sustainability, comfort, and flexibility in design trends. With them, employees will be happier and healthier, which leads to more productivity!

Enjoy this article? Check out our other articles next, including this one on how to make sure your office is decorated perfectly.

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